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Search results for "Round Up"

Parkway Lake House Parkway Lake House


Welcome to #CheckedIn, a travel series where we take you along to some of the trendiest and most unique hotel and homestay experiences around....

Photo provided by Muir Halifax Photo provided by Muir Halifax


Welcome to #CheckedIn, a travel series where we take you along to some of the trendiest and most unique hotel experiences around. Join us...


Welcome to STYLE Canada‘s Boreal Book Club: a monthly meeting narrated by Erin Catto, (reviewer at Girl Well Read), for bookworms who’re looking to scour new...

Photo credit: La Bonne Fille Tea Photo credit: La Bonne Fille Tea


This summer, we’ve opened our doors of ‘the edit’, in the vibrant beachtown of Port Dalhousie. Our chic general store features a collection of Canadian...

Photo provided by: Dahlia Steinberg Photo provided by: Dahlia Steinberg


The Mighty Niagara Film Fest is again ready to set sail and explore the ever-expanding ocean of the moving image. The festival launches on August 16th,...

Photo credit: @lessuitesottawa via Instagram Photo credit: @lessuitesottawa via Instagram


It’s summertime and you know what that means… it’s time to pack your bags, get outside, and soak up the sun! Enjoy everything that...

Photo provided by Quartz & Canary Photo provided by Quartz & Canary


This summer, we’ve opened our doors of ‘the edit’, in the vibrant beachtown of Port Dalhousie. Our chic general store features a collection of Canadian...

What's Happening: Sansorium Event What's Happening: Sansorium Event


Don’t fret about FOMO. We’re here to share with you the latest and greatest happenings around Canada. From an epic alcohol-free wine tasting event, to our...

Music festival Music festival


The 2023 VELD Music Festival is ready to take flight in Toronto this summer. If you’re ready for another epic electronic music festival this...


This summer, we’ve opened our doors of ‘the edit’, in the vibrant beachtown of Port Dalhousie. Our chic general store features a collection of Canadian...