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Search results for "women"


This Mother’s Day, celebrate the mom figure in your life by spending time with her, and by gifting her one of these wonderful gifts…because...


On April 7th, we partnered with Saks Fifth Avenue Toronto to host a spring fashion show to support Pink Pearl Canada, a charitable organization...


Investing in our planet is this years theme for Earth Month. We’re seeing designers and innovators take the lead on creating sustainable goods that...


Welcome to our Spotlight series where we connect you with talented and hard working individuals who are taking you behind the scenes of their...


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will “Stand Up for Ukraine” via a one-hour pledging event this...


On today’s Let’s Talk About… episode, Elise sits down with Blake Moynes. You probably know Blake from the Bachelor franchise where he got the...


Maria Mavridis is the Founder of Anchor Niagara, the General Manager of Corks and Firehall Flame, a mother, and is an anchor in her...


Mara Kazantzaki is on a mission to revolutionize the way mothers are being supported in society and is changing women’s lives around the world...


Tanya Taylor is a New York City-based fashion designer, CEO, mother, artist, size-inclusive advocate, and philanthropist. She was born and raised in Toronto and...


Dr. Tammara Soma is an assistant professor at the School of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University, and the Research Director of...