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Search results for "women"


If you’re a woman who’s struggling at finding a man or being in a relationship, it’s more than likely that it isn’t your fault....


National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is observed on the last Wednesday of every September. It is the nation’s largest annual health event set...


Thursday, August 26th is Women’s Equality Day. A day that recognizes the incredible work and efforts that women in the past (and present) have...


“It’s important to know about our fertility because we are making decisions about our lives without complete information, and we use data to drive...


Throughout the month of June, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy a virtual women’s conference that you can tailor to your #WFH schedule. Presented...


As a group of women working towards common goals for STYLE Canada‘s brand and business, we understand the value of peer support in the workplace....


Just in time for International Women’s Day, Toronto-based TH Fashion has launched the Jacket of Hope from their 2021 capsule collection. Armoured to keep you...


This International Women’s Day, Vanouver-based indie-beauty brand Evio is donating half a million dollars’ worth of its personal care products to women’s organizations across...


“There are only a half dozen men of letters (and no women) worth printing,” said Nobel Prize-winning poet T.S. Eliot. As an aspiring writer, most...


Diversity. With over seven billion people on the planet, you’ll be hard-pressed to exclusively interact with people who look and act just like you....