Women marching at the Women's Strike for Equality, New York, 26th August 1970 (Photo by John Olson/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images)


How to Celebrate Women’s Equality Day in 2021

Thursday, August 26th is Women’s Equality Day. A day that recognizes the incredible work and efforts that women in the past (and present) have accomplished for Women’s Rights, freedom and equality in the United States of America.

Women’s Equality Day commemorates the signing of the 19th Amendment, a law granting women the right to vote. The signing of the 19th Amendment took place on August 26th, 1920, and each year since women have used this day to raise awareness on the struggles and injustices that women face in our current day society.

Women marching for equality in New York, August 1970 (Photo by John Olson / The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images)

How you can celebrate Women’s Equality Day:

1. Update your bookshelf or watch informative videos

If you want to learn more about Women’s Rights, there are many videos and books available so you can learn on your own time and at your own pace. Some popular books regarding Women’s Rights are:

  • Women, Race & Class by Angela Davis
  • Feminism is for Everybody by Bell Hooks
  • Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado-Perez
  • We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

2. Learn about the history of Women’s Equality Day

In addition to learning about the history and importance of Women’s Equality Day and Women’s Rights, it is important to use that information and recognize how our current day society can still benefit from equality and how you can participate in making that change happen.

3. Use social media to spread the word

Use the hashtag #WomensEqualityDay to spread the word and join the conversation on a national level. Social media is a great way to quickly and effectively spread the word about events and national days of celebration, such as today.

4. Use your voice and register to vote

Don’t be afraid to use your voice in order to demand change and vocalize injustices that you witness in society. Spark positive conversations and educate and empower young womxn to promote a stronger community and a better tomorrow for womxn.

5. Donate

While you can make monetary donations, you can also support various organizations by learning about them, sharing their work with your peers on social media, or by participating in local charitable drives where you can donate products to women shelters or volunteer.

Below are five organizations that are constantly fighting for gender equality:

1. Plan International

2. UN Women

3. Association for Women’s Rights in Development

4. Gender at Work

5. Center for Reproductive Rights

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