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It’s sequins season! (even if you’re celebrating at home) The holiday season has begun, but if your cup of cheer isn’t as complete as...


Winter comes and goes. And as the story goes, we’re always on the lookout for the best boots in town because as true North...

Last Minute Shopper Gift Guide Last Minute Shopper Gift Guide


It’s that moment where you realize the holidays are here, and you haven’t had a second to shop for your favourite people. Don’t worry,...

Image of Allison E. Lang Image of Allison E. Lang


On this week’s Let’s Talk About… episode, Elise sits down with Allison E. Lang. Allison‘s mission is to create a more accessible and body inclusive...

diosa kim hickman meet the creators shop the block diosa kim hickman meet the creators shop the block


This year, we’ve partnered up with Destination TO to bring their holiday activation to life. We are running our pop-up, Shop the Block, at...


This year we’re attending all the holiday parties in style and dressing in our comfy, cozy clothes every other day of the cold wintery...

Sequined-Top-lucywilliams02 Sequined-Top-lucywilliams02


#TrendinginLondon: Sequins Anywhere #TrendingInLondon: Sequins Anywhere. This week on our #TrendingIn Series, we’re heading to London. Party Season has begun, and a sequined piece...

hot pants come back yofit hot pants come back yofit


There’s no denying it – hot pants are back! In fact, they might even be hotter than ever before. With so many fashion designers...

11042018-pink-pearl-0095 11042018-pink-pearl-0095


What is #GivingTuesday, and where to donate this year? What is #GivingTuesday, and where to donate this year?  The holiday season is starting, and...

Image of Anna Damore Image of Anna Damore


On this week’s Let’s Talk About… episode, Elise sits down with the multi-talented entrepreneur, Anna Damore, Anna Damore has been building a career in the...