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Mindful Meditation

Breathe, relax, repeat. There is no perfect way to meditate mindfully. In fact, sometimes I find myself meditating in the strangest places (like on a crammed subway or when a group of friends are aimlessly talking on a long-haul flight across the world), and find that by taking a second to breath deeply, I become more in tune with the way I choose to rid the noises of the world.

The practice of mindful meditation is based in various thought processes that encourage you to take time to enjoy the simple things in life. The thought is that if you take time for yourself to wash away your worries, you will seek freedom in that space. Mindfully meditating can be as simple as sitting with zero distractions or as unique as watching your hands feel the cool breeze over and over again. Through a regular practice, you will radiate positivity wherever you may be.

Here is a short meditation sequence I practice to ease the ‘stresses’ of the day:

Find a comfortable seat. You can either sit on a chair or find a comfortable seat on the ground. If you are in a unique space stand/sit tall. Close your eyes to go inward.

Take 20 slow and steady breaths to erase your mind of all the worry and wonder stored away. When taking these breaths, I find it best to count each to erase your mind. Focus on your breath work. Breathe in for 3, 2, 1 and out for 3, 2, 1.

As you inhale find peace, and as you exhale release tension
As you inhale be present, and as you exhale release wandering thoughts
As you inhale find love, and as you exhale release hate
As you inhale find hope, and as you exhale release worry
As you continue to breathe like this, be reminded that positive vibes surround you always.

After your 20 slow and steady breaths, completely relax your body by surrendering to the moment.

Let your feet be free as they deeply root into the ground
Your calves, knees and thighs fall deep into the earth
Let your hips release worry as they deeply root into the ground
Your torso, chest and back fall deep into the earth
Let your shoulders completely relax as they deeply root into the ground
Your upper arms, elbows and lower arms fall deep into the earth
Let your fingers release as they write only beautiful thoughts
Let your head completely relax
Your mind be peace
Your eyes only see acts of goodness
Your ears hear only positivity that surrounds you
Your nose smell the beauty found within the world
And your mouth only speak words of kindness
Take a deep breath in, and out
In and out

Wiggle your hands and toes to come back to the present. Open your eyes, and bring your hands in prayer position at your heart centre. Take your practice with you wherever you go and remember, “Because you are alive, everything is possible.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

Contributor: Melaina Gasbarrino
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Melaina is the founder of SALT to TREE,  a conservation and wellness company founded on the principle that we respect the ocean (SALT), land (TREE) and everything in between. Stay Salty and Live with the Earth through her Kids Environmental Books, OM Collections & Conservation Initiatives.

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