The Color Rose: a film that follows a group of teenage girls who start a secret cult in a small religious town. It marks...
With our editorial focus for this month being “Mind. Body. Glow“, we sought out to explore health issues that affect women. We came across La...
With this month’s editorial theme being “Mind. Body. Glow” on STYLE Canada, we sought out to explore health issues that affect women. We asked Rachel Ettinger,...
As a group of women working towards common goals for STYLE Canada‘s brand and business, we understand the value of peer support in the workplace....
Abbey Sharp – Health, food and mom blogger, dietician, YouTuber, TV expert and author Location: Toronto Instagram: @AbbeysKitchen Abbey Sharp IG: SC: Tell...
It’s the Summer of 1999; the lyrics of Britney Spears’ iconic Baby One More Time are playing, Clueless is on in the background, and you’re...