Photo: Brittany Gray
Our Top Fancy Face Cosmetics Picks
1. The Age Defying BB Cream
2. The Supermodel Lip BathÂ

Fancy Face’s Supermodel Lip Bath in Strawberry Strut
3. The Nano-Wool 15-Piece Brush Set
Catching Up With Brittany Gray
SC: Congratulations on the Rosé Room’s one-year anniversary! Can you tell us about the Limited Edition Anniversary Lip Bundle?
BG: It’s incredible to be celebrating our one-year anniversary of the Rosé Room storefront and 15 years in business with these two new products. We’ve been working on these offerings for months and could think of no better reason to release them in conjunction with such a great milestone. I feel we can all use something to celebrate, to make ourselves feel good, and what better than throwing on the perfect shade of lipstick?

Fancy Face’s Limited Edition Anniversary Lip Bundle
SC: It has been an interesting time for many businesses, including one like yours. That said, you’ve done a beautiful job of pivoting. Tell us about how you’ve done it all during COVID.Â
BG: The toll the pandemic has had on small businesses like ours is astronomical. Being a female entrepreneur who has bootstrapped this business from the beginning, without any financial help from anyone, makes me personally responsible for everything from the top down. When the pandemic first hit, it really scared me to my core. With that being said, we are incredibly grateful that before lockdown started, we had already been working tirelessly on our cosmetic line. That side of the business has helped keep us afloat while the service side came to a complete halt.
I’ve been building this business for 15 years, and just over a year and a half ago we thankfully ventured into our own namesake signature line of cosmetics. So, had we have stayed with just the service side of our business, we would have been in big trouble. Luckily, our Fancy Face family and incredible following kept our brand growing to new heights because of the ability to shop online. Now, we’re incredibly excited to experience the growth in the business. It’s made us incredibly humble and tremendously thankful to everyone who has supported us throughout this difficult time.
SC: We love the community of women that you have brought together to create your team. Were there some intentions behind the staffing decisions you made? Tell us more!
BG: Being in this business for as long as we have now, we have seen what works when it comes to putting a team together and what doesn’t. Back when Fancy Face started, there were no other beauty teams that I could look to for guidance or inspiration. I really had to figure everything out on my own. The main thing I’ve learned is that you’re only ever as strong as your weakest link. I’ve learned that the people you hire are truly a reflection of your personal morals and work ethic. A positive spirit in those I work with goes a very long way, and I deeply value women with an open heart and willingness to learn and grow with us as a team.

Part of the Fancy Face squad
SC: You have an extremely full plate as a business owner, wife, and mother. Do you have any tips or tricks up your sleeve for how to manage it all? Besides the BB Cream, of course!
BG: Oh, the BB Cream is an absolute must when it comes to getting through the day! In all seriousness, I genuinely feel like I’m figuring it out as I go – especially now with the pandemic causing us to pivot so quickly. The last thing I’d want to put out there is that I’m some sort of superwoman doing it all. There are days that I feel like ‘I’ve got this’, and days that I feel like I’m failing in a bunch of different areas of my life. But, every day I try to put my best face forward (with the help of some makeup), let the people I love the most feel it with every ounce of my being, and focus on following my heart and intuition when it comes to my work. I’m a pretty spiritual person and I always feel somewhat guided towards the right next steps.
My best tips: Don’t be too hard on yourself. Trust your gut – it never lies. Follow your heart. Try to get out of your head. Take time in nature. Spend quality time with the ones you love and stop trying to be perfect at it all. See the beauty in being a beautiful mess sometimes.

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