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Search results for "travel"


Give a little love to yourself today. This ‘self’ gift guide is packed with a whole lot of goodness that we know you’ll fall...


Any form of plastic surgery, whether it’s minimally or highly invasive, requires you to be comfortable with the surgeon. Before trusting a stranger with...


Combat the cold weather this winter season with these super cute and comfortable pieces from Lululemon! They can be worn during your outdoor workouts...


Welcome to STYLE Canada’s Boreal Book Club: a monthly meeting narrated by Erin Catto, (reviewer at Girl Well Read),  for bookworms who are looking...


2021 was unique, to say the least. There were so many events that took place, a few life hindering ones too – I’m sure...


Flying to another location in the 1960’s was a privilege and an opportunity to dress up. Men wore fine suits, and women wore custom-made...


Besides all the festivities and good food, one of the best things to do during the holidays is watching Christmas movies. Whether you’re sitting...


Welcome to #CheckedIn, a hotel travel series where we will take you along to some of the trendiest and most unique hotels around. Join...


Every mom should leave the house fully equipped to handle whatever the day throws at them. With the luxury of handbags, of all sizes,...


Last month STYLE Canada was invited to attend the Fogo Island event hosted at The Dog & Tiger in Toronto. It was a special...