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We see and hear the word gratitude over and over these days in books, as hashtags and throughout quotes plastered on social media, but when you sit and think about it, what is it and how do we practice it?

Gratitude has always been a ‘thing’ in our lives. We were always told to say please and thank you, hold doors open for crowds, and be thankful when it poured for the tomatoes to grow. It was and still is apart of our culture no matter which way you spin it.

So what exactly is gratitude? We believe it to be simple acts of good. This can mean calling your mom just to say hi, baking cookies for your office, or volunteering with your favourite charity. These acts don’t require any praise, they just require you to step two feet out of your comfort zone to spread a little love in the world. By practicing gratitude you will feel empowered to do more good, happy to put a smile on a strangers face and thankful for the life you lead.

Seriously considering making gratitude apart of your life?

Start your journey off on a high note with these simple suggestions:


Buy a gratitude journal to document your journey. After a month look back at it to see all the little acts of good you did.


By starting your day off by mediating your putting your mind at ease, and thanking your body and soul for the temple that it is.

Give Thanks & Do Good

Be thankful. It doesn’t take much to say thanks and by incorporating ‘thank you’ into your daily routine you’ll feel a whole lot lighter. Do good. How ever your ‘do good’ looks like, find simple acts of good in your community and you’ll radiate positivity.

And of course, welcome to the gratitude tribe.

Contributor: Melaina Gasbarrino
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Melaina is the founder of SALT to TREE,  a conservation and wellness company founded on the principle that we respect the ocean (SALT), land (TREE) and everything in between. Stay Salty and Live with the Earth through her Kids Environmental Books, OM Collections & Conservation Initiatives.

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