How To Find Your Pleasure With Help From Cynthia Loyst

When was the last time you truly felt pleasure? Cynthia Loyst can help you answer that question.
You may know Loyst as one of the #LeadingLadies on The Social, but we can confirm she’s much more than that. Loyst is an award winning sex-educator, advice columnist, bestselling author of Find Your Pleasure (the book) and Find Your Pleasure (the platform), a destination dedicated to decadence, sensuality, indulgence, and pure, unadulterated joy.
Finding pleasure is a revolution. Where society has told women to feel guilty or ashamed for embracing pleasures, Loyst shows you how to get to the heart of what you need and want in every aspect of life. Finding pleasure is also a large part of living well, which Loyst discusses with STYLE Canada‘s Editor-in-Chief, Elise Gasbarrino, on Let’s Talk About to kick off our first-ever Wellness Week.

Cynthia Loyst

Throughout their chat, Loyst gives pro-tips on how to “tap in” to pleasure using her “AAAH” method. The acronym stands for Awareness (become aware of what you’ve lost the pleasure of doing), Attention (pay attention to how you’re spending your time), Authenticity (listen to your inner voice), and Help (ask yourself what you need).
Loyst has said that one of the most common “scripts” she hears from women is that they can’t pursue indulging themselves in pleasure (not just sexual pleasure) until after household tasks are out of the way. Long story short, women are too used to putting themselves last.
“I would suggest that you tell yourself a different script,” said Loyst. “The more you tell yourself something, the more it’s fixed… It’s unchangeable.”
Moral of the story? Give yourself permission to explore anything that brings you pleasure that is more synonymous with joy. And in the same style as Marie Kondo, if it doesn’t bring you joy, get rid of it.
To learn more, simply search for Loyst’s episode of “Let’s Talk About” on any major streaming platform and for more information, head over to our podcast homepage, here.

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