It’s the age old saying “no white after labour day” but in a fashion world that is moving to seasonless, sexless and see now/ wear now .. does this rule apply? We think not.
Lets start with a little history lesson (don’t worry it won’t be too deep): Labour Day signifies the end of summer, and for decades has also signified the end of dressing in white (or cream or nude). Where does this come from? While the rich didn’t want to ruin their beautiful clothes as the weather got wetter, slushier, snowier, so the color was put away for the season.
Well in today’s world we have car service.
White is not only accepted but is now expected as brands show us soft cream cashmeres and lux white fox furs.
This year New York City’s Diner en Blanche, the most sought after ‘White Fashion Party’ falls after Labour Day.
Fashion designers, such as Chanel, have always used white as their backbone of their designs throughout the year.
White represents a clean, crisp, tonal look that is always in style. In conclusion Winter was made for white.

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