On this week’s Let’s Talk About… episode, Elise sits down with Danielle Ruhl-Thompson.
You may know Danielle from Season 2 of the hit Netflix series Love is Blind, a social experiment where contestants look for love and get engaged, all before meeting in-person. Danielle is from Chicago, Illinois and works in advertising.
Elise and Danielle talk about life before the show, her experiences on Love is Blind, being married to Nick and gives advice for newlyweds. She also openly speaks about her mental health journey and the advocacy work she does.
“And I remember walking out of a date crying, and I think it was like the third day where I was like, I’m falling in love. And I think we both kind of like expressed that we were falling in love and, and it’s weird because like day four, we decided to be exclusive. So, I was like, I think you’re my boyfriend now, like explicitly in the sense where it’s like, we didn’t want to waste anyone else’s time.” Danielle tells Elise on Let’s Talk About.
To listen to Danielle’s episode of Let’s Talk About, simply click here or search for “Let’s Talk About by STYLE Canada” on any major streaming platform.
Check out the show transcript below.
[00:00:00] Elise: Hi everyone, and welcome this week we’re going to be talking about love is blind with Danielle Ruhl Thompson.
[00:00:06] You know, Danielle from season two of the hit Netflix series Love is Blind, a social experiment where contestants look for love and get engaged all before meeting in person. Danielle is from Chicago, Illinois, and works in advertising. Since the show she has spoken openly about her mental health and as an advocate for mental health awareness.
[00:00:23] Danielle, thank you so much for joining us today.
[00:00:26] Danielle: Yes. Thank you for having me.
[00:00:28] Elise: Yeah, I’m a big fan of the show. When it came out I’d watched season one, and when season two came out, I think we were all on a plane to a bachelorette party, and so there was, there was definitely a night there that we all stayed and just like binged.
[00:00:43] I think we got through quite a few episodes. So big, big fan. Highly recommend as something to watch on the plane for a girls getaway.
[00:00:51] Danielle: Oh, yeah, it’s funny. I actually watched some of the episodes on a plane too.
Elise: Oh yeah.
Danielle: Yeah. I watched them to my iPad, and the poor woman who was sitting next to me was probably like, why is she sobbing watching a reality show?
[00:01:07] Elise: A reality show, but little, did she know one of the stars in the night? Funny? I love that. Yeah, it must be the altitude on planes, I sometimes find myself very emotional on a plane, no matter what I’m watching, but I can imagine even more so with the show your, it was the wedding scene, you know?
[00:01:26] Yeah. Fair enough. So, let’s start, let’s go a little bit before the show and start kind of before that, what did life look like for you? So, you were in Chicago.
[00:01:37] Danielle: Yeah, I’ve always lived in Illinois. I was living downtown again, working in advertising, and was actually about to apply to get my MBA at Northwestern in Chicago and in the midst of applying, I actually found out that I was going to get the opportunity to do this.
[00:01:54] And so it was kind of actually went back and forth which to choose, but ultimately, I was like, you know, I can always go back to get my MBA. And this is a type of experiment that I thought would genuinely work for me. So, so it was good. I was focusing on my career, I have a wide group of friends so spending a lot of time with them and I’m close with my family.
[00:02:15] So it was all good, but there was just one thing missing, you know, and that was a partnership.
[00:02:22] Elise: Yeah, so, it sounds like life was good. You know, like most of us in our 20 somethings, you were focused on your career, kind of focused a little bit on finding love. What was dating like for you before this?
[00:02:33] Danielle: It was hard because I am someone who, and this is why I went on the show actually, is because I always gravitate towards people based on their personality.
[00:02:44] And that’s why, I was typically finding people through dating apps, but it’s really, really hard because you don’t necessarily know what their personality is like, even if you’re texting. So, I was trying to give as many people the opportunity as possible cause some of the people that I ended up having the longest relationships with are the people who I almost said no to.
[00:03:04] And so, you know, it made it difficult and even meeting someone out, you know, in public is, is difficult because again, I’m always with a large group of friends, so it’s intimidating to go up to a girl and I’m scared her to go up to guys. So, it was tough. I did have a couple of relationships that all stemmed from dating apps and I thought I was going to go with it until Love is Blind and be like, yup.
[00:03:25] I already know the kind of personality I go for, the loudest guy in the room. And it was interesting because I actually went for the opposite personality that I typically went for and that just showed me I’m doing it all wrong. So, not only did it help me, you know, eliminate the physical aspect of it, but it also allowed me to meet a wide breadth of different types of people to actually find the person that I was supposed to be with.
[00:03:50] Elise: Because when you go into the show, how many? Cause I know we don’t get to follow everyone’s journey. So how many people are there to start with?
[00:03:59] Danielle: 15 girls and 50 guys?
[00:04:01] Elise: Okay. And then you and Nick fell in love. I think I read somewhere like by date two, was it date two.
[00:04:09] Danielle: Date two is when I started already getting really emotional about him.
[00:04:14] And I remember walking out of a date crying, and I think it was like the third day where I was like, I’m falling in love. And I think we both kind of like expressed that we were falling in love and, and it’s weird because like day four, we decided to be exclusive. So, I was like, I think you’re my boyfriend now, like explicitly in the sense where it’s like, we didn’t want to waste anyone else’s time.
[00:04:34] We knew that we weren’t developing feelings for anyone else that we had for each other. And so, it was pretty quickly that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, for lack of a better term. Yeah.
[00:04:46] Elise: Yeah. It’s funny because I remember we were watching, and I think it was that episode where you both decided that, we were actually watching it as a group and we’re like, oh, come on.
[00:04:56] How could you now already, so take us through that because it does sound like even past participants of Love is Blind season one said that, right? Like it’s just really kind of emotional, you know, it’s an experiment and something that you can’t replicate in real life. So how did you get there?
[00:05:13] Like what was it just a lot of intimate conversation kind of going through what you needed? What did that look like?
[00:05:20] Danielle: So, I think there’s a couple of different things. One of them being, you know, that the other person is in it for marriage. And I think some people might be hesitant to open up about certain things because you don’t know what the intentions are.
[00:05:32] At least that’s something that I always kind of struggled with is like, okay, are they wanting to date? Are they wanting a long-term relationship? What do I say? What do I not say? Um, too, I think like one of the other interesting things that came out of it. You had these deep conversations and you don’t see the reaction from the person.
[00:05:50] So let’s say I tell him about some sort of traumatic experience that happened or some of the baggage or things that I might be experiencing, and if he could have a shocked face and I don’t necessarily see that. So, I feel more inclined to go deeper, but with him it was the way that he reacted to those stories.
[00:06:07] And I had never heard someone, you know, like not only empathize in the way that he did, but find the light in some of the situations. And what actually was the first thing that made me feel different not only the fact that just the energy that I would feel like in the pod was entirely different than the energy I would feel in any pod situation or dating situation, but he said one thing, just about divorce. He said something about breaking the cycle of divorce and that’s word for word, something that I have said my entire life. And just that alone, like gave me this overwhelming, feeling like, I think he’s like my person, you know, and there’s a lot of little other things that kind of like, again, things that we related.
[00:06:55] That I was just, you know, this isn’t coincidence.
[00:06:58] Elise: That’s interesting. Cause I love, and I’ve heard you talk a little bit about like the energy before. So, was that always something like, cause it is, you do get a vibe, right? And things start to kind of click, you’re like, okay, this feels like the right path and the right trajectory. So that’s what it kind of sounds like happening.
[00:07:18] Danielle: Yeah, I’ve never experienced that kind of feeling. I was actually going through my notebook cause I would write in a journal when I would get back from dating and just saying like, oh my gosh, I want to try and find a way to rewire the phones here so I can sneakily call my mom and sister to tell them how happy I am.
[00:07:38] It’s cause again, like it’s a feeling that’s indescribable. It’s a feeling that I never had and never would have believed if it wasn’t me experiencing it. So, I wanted to try and articulate it as quickly as possible so I wouldn’t lose that. But luckily it was a feeling that I never lost, so is it’s hard to spreading it to other people.
[00:07:55] It’s hard. Like as a viewer, I can see why it would be hard because yeah.
[00:08:02] Elise: And I guess you don’t get to see all of the conversations that happen.
[00:08:11] Danielle: We would have dates that would be up to eight hours. And if you put that into perspective of dating, like one day we would talk for eight hours. That’s eight different dates. If you’re going out with someone, you know, It’s different. Yeah.
[00:08:26] Elise: Well, and I think the biggest thing that’s different too, is the thing you first started off with is so often in dating when you’re on apps, you’re like, okay, what is someone’s intention behind this?
[00:08:35] Right. There’s a lot you have to filter through just in terms of, does someone actually one want to be here going to kind of put the effort in and then do they want the same things as I do. Right? And to even get to that point is like difficult. So at least with the experiment you kind of like wipe that all out because you know, that that person is there for that so that I can see people both coming in with that kind of feeling and intent it really escalating things and looking back on it.
[00:09:04] Yeah. So, you fall in love, you have this lovely proposal. What was it like to see him for the first time? I’d imagine that would be like, did you look like what you thought he was going to look like?
[00:09:16] Danielle: That’s another indescribable feeling because again, I just remembered, I’m like, oh my God, like my mind is blown because it just, it’s an out-of-body experience, you know, like loving someone, being engaged to someone and then seeing from the first time, like, I honestly don’t wanna say awkward, like, um, totally, totally weird. I’m really bad at putting faces to voices, like in general. And I have these ideas in my head about every single other guy.
[00:09:50] I ended up being entirely wrong, to be honest, for some reason he isn’t what I pictured at all. Like I would go to sleep even trying to envision hi, you know. I’m like, I can’t, I literally cannot put a face to, um, any of the boys. And then I saw him in person for the first time. Yes, of course, this is what he looks like. This is what I should have been envisioning.
[00:10:13] And that was another thing that cognitive and again, I like, I do believe in fate and I do believe that some things are meant to be, but just having that realization, it’s like, I never expected what he looked like, but he looks like what I should have expected. And it just makes sense. Like, it’s like such a weird, a weird thing to describe, and it sounds anti-climactic. But for me, that was like the huge realization in.
[00:10:33] Elise: It sounds like there was no kind of question when you’re going through that, that he was the person. Was it interesting though, seeing other people go through the same experiment too? Cause I guess they never really thought of that so much. Cause they didn’t show us too much except for the one storyline anyway, on like, if you both like the same person and like, did that happen for you at all?
[00:10:54] Where you had to hear other people’s experiences with Nick at all?
[00:11:01] Danielle: Nick was a very popular guy, I’m not going to lie. So, it was hard. There were times where, I would have to walk away because I didn’t really want to impact his decision by me being emotional because they didn’t know so quickly.
[00:11:16] And typically I’m a girl’s girl. So, actually, one of my hesitations of this working was me backing away from other people like to say person I was going after, but I did people so deep down in my gut that this was my person that I for the first time was like, I’m going to prioritize myself and just let them do whatever they have to do.
[00:11:35] But there were like other girls interested in him. I ended up telling him that, you know I cut everyone else off, but I don’t necessarily want him to do that to me. You do it because I want you to choose me because you are fully competent that you choose me and not because I’m giving you some sort of ultimatum and he actually ended up doing it the next day.
[00:11:54] But he said, if you did give me an ultimatum, I don’t know if I would have been able to do that. But the fact that you encouraged me to continue to explore other options, even though you told me that day and I told him I wasn’t, because it was a lot of chatter on the guy side saying like, oh, I’m talking to Danielle, I’m doing this.
[00:12:10] And put Danielle later on, like people would like tell people not to date people because they were more liked and they were scared., so, I don’t want that to impact I’m in it for you. Yeah.
[00:12:23] Elise: That’s so psychological. It’s almost like big brother, like Alliance. Oh.
[00:12:28] Danielle: So that’s like why I called it and like, it’s not like, oh, I don’t want you talking to other people because I’m not. It’s like, I just want you to know that I’m confident and I’m not even if other guys over there saying that I am, you know, I’ve told them otherwise.
[00:12:44] Elise: Oh gosh.
[00:12:45] Danielle: So, it was like date three and date four where we like, you know.
[00:12:49] Elise: yeah, yeah. That’s interesting. Cause I think, you know, the way you see it as a viewer, is like, then you, you get engaged and you go on this like fairy tale kind of vacation. And it seems really like you’re in this a bit of this bubble and you know, what I loved about you and Nick was that it seemed like you were actually thinking through, like, we’re going to fight about this. We might fight about this. How do we get around that? How do you feel like you were, you’re thinking through how does marriage work with us in real life with us, which you don’t often get sometimes in a reality show, right?
[00:13:24] On the beach in a perfect environment. So, take us through a little bit of that process where you’re like, okay, we did this. Cause they call it the honeymoon right after you’re engaged or what do they call it after you’re engaged? Is it called when you go to the beach? Okay. So, you do that and then you, you come back and now what does, what does life look like? Cause I’d imagine then you’re like integrating lives, right? Yes.
[00:13:50] Danielle: It was definitely interesting, because it’s like you’re in this fairy tale land with no phones, you know, no money. You are kind of just like, again, like kind of isolated with each other and getting to know each other.
[00:14:04] And it’s like, again, like, it feels like a fairy tale, and then you go back, you have your friends, you have your family. And not only that, but like, there were things that we were both going through personally that was outside of our relationship, and people forget that people have lives that are just one another.
[00:14:24] And so like that adds an extra level of stress that people don’t necessarily see. But it’s like we took this very seriously. My family took it very seriously. My friends took it very seriously and we knew we loved each other, and we knew that no matter whether or not we got married, we were going to continue dating.
[00:14:44] We knew that. Um, but we didn’t know what the right decision was. Like, is it to say yes and take a leap of faith or is it to say no and potentially be traumatized by saying no to somebody you love at the altar? And that kind of puts you in this like pressure cooker where every little thing that you possibly can think of can go wrong once filming wraps, because everything is very structured.
[00:15:05] We knew what we were going to be doing every day. We didn’t know what it was going to look like, we didn’t have the time to be like, okay, this is how often she spends time with friends. This is how often he does X, Y, and Z. And so, we would have to talk about it and I think like we overly talked about it because we, again, like both bonded over the fact that we don’t want to end in divorce.
[00:15:29] And I think that made us kind of like hyper-focused on things that we maybe didn’t necessarily have to because then once we lived through it, it was all over exaggerated, you know?
[00:15:39] Elise: Yeah. Yeah. Now I can. Well, what I think people talk about a lot is how you get into the relationship and what I don’t think people talk about a lot is how you maintain the relationship and how, which is why I felt watching you both was interesting because not even maintained, but like merge the lives, right?
[00:15:57] Like you both really felt like you were trying to figure this out. And I never thought of the fact that you don’t actually get to in your situation, you didn’t get to live that you had to just talk about it, right? Like how do you do this? How do you do that? Have you been together about a year? Is that right?
[00:16:18] Danielle: Yeah. So, we actually had, on the 29th, our first date anniversary, of April and that our marriage anniversary is in May.
[00:16:28] Elise: Oh, okay. Okay. So, you had, oh, that’s so fun! I love that. Well, happy anniversary! And so, what have you in that year that you’ve been together? Cause I’d imagine there’s so much that we haven’t seen since then. Like what, what things have you learned about being newlyweds and other kind of, I guess, tips or tricks of how you guys have navigated this?
[00:16:48] Danielle: Yeah. I would say, and I know we vocalized this before, but just once, like, because of the way that we might’ve, because it was so quickly, um, we did have very different communication styles and we saw a therapist, our couples therapist said, you know, this is next to the extreme.
[00:17:10] Danielle speaks French. You guys are saying the same thing, but you’re not translating it well. And so having a couples therapist kind of repeat what I was saying, what he was saying in our native language, for lack of a better word. Was really helpful because then we realized, okay, when he says that, like my definition of something is different than his definition of something.
[00:17:32] So when he says this, I might interpret it in the way that I’m used to interpreting it when it’s not necessarily like an accurate description of what he says. And so things like that, I think like were really beneficial for us at first, because it takes a long time to learn how to communicate for the best with someone else, you know?
[00:17:51] That was one thing, but also it’s something that I think like a lot of couples can benefit from. Even after speaking out about couples therapy, there were so many people that said that makes so much sense. Like, you know, I, I should start doing this with my partner in certain situations. So that was like one of the things that I found very beneficial and that I would recommend, even if it’s like, you don’t have to be in a big fight, you know, or you don’t have to be at the end of your marriage to go to couples counseling.
[00:18:16] Like some people just do it once and it benefits them. But the one thing that I think is the craziest is we have so much fun and like a lot of people didn’t get to see like mixed, fun and crazy. I did like out filming, like all of our craziest funniest times were not not filmed. And be just like, you wouldn’t be dancing on tables, like, and again, like, so, and he still does like he’s we had a party the other night and he was the one that points out the costumes, you know, super fun and funny.
[00:18:50] And we get along really well. We actually have similar personalities where we were overly focused on. And so, that’s like the craziest things since being married is they’re just like, fun. Like, we’re best friends. Like all of our friends are best friends, we’re friends with my family. My sister lives with us.
[00:19:09] Elise: Oh, that’s so nice. it felt like family and friends were very important to you. So, what was their sort of take on this whole journey?
[00:19:19] Danielle: Everyone had reviews. My mom was all for it. She was like you never know how you’re going to find the person. She really liked Nick. And my grandma’s the biggest critic actually. She says it like it is, I was terrified for her when she called me after meeting him. And she was such a skeptic, even like she doesn’t even like watching TV, she doesn’t have cable. And so, she was like you know, he knew what you’re going to do before you did it and vice versa.
[00:19:49] And I’ve never seen you like this around any single person that I’ve met. And, you know, I approved and I was like, oh my gosh. My dad was hesitant. He is more of a realistic guy where he’s, he was scared that, if we jumped into a marriage that I feel trapped and wanted to run. Um, but obviously that wasn’t the case and I appreciate his advice and I know he was just looking out for me. But now he’s fully supportive obviously, but you know, it was, it was like conflicting where my dad was like, I think you should say, no. My mom’s like, I think you should say yes, all my friends thought differently.
[00:20:30] Elise: Which is kind of annoying when you’re probably trying to make the decision to you’re like, come on guys, I’m just taking a tally here, what does everyone think?
[00:20:36] Danielle: I can be the most indecisive person in the world, but what’s going to be the best for us long-term yeah.
[00:20:43] Elise: Yeah. Did you know when you were, you know, when you guys went into the wedding scene, did you know that you’re both going to say yes? Had you talked about prior? Cause they don’t really show that.
[00:20:52] Danielle: We were back and forth the entire time. So, one thing that I think is interesting is that for the majority of it, and it was a hundred percent, yes. He, and then, and I wasn’t a hundred percent now because I think that the stressful environment of, you know, filming a reality TV show put me back mentally.
[00:21:10] I was like, I don’t want to go into a marriage when I’m not in the best version of myself. Like I was like, if you knew me before. You would know that I was ready for marriage, but right now I think I’m going to take some time. And he was like, I’ll be there with you throughout that no matter if we’re married or not.
[00:21:28] And then after the conversation with my dad, I had a conversation with my stepmom and my stepmom, she’s Mormon, and so she got married very, very quickly. Her sister got married very quickly. More quickly than we did, and they’re still together, her sister and her husband.
[00:21:45] And so I had a conversation with my step-mom and it was like, oh my gosh. And then I was a separate conversation with my dad where he’s like, on my end. No. So this was like literally the weekend before the wedding. Um, and so we got married on a Tuesday, so it was like literally three days before.
[00:22:01] And then, so we talked nonstop about it every single day, the night before the wedding, we almost stayed up all night trying to decide what to do. And I told him like, whatever you say, I’m saying, you know, like we’re going to go in and a united front. Like, I’m not just going to say yes if you’re going to say no and like, make you look bad, but it was literally five seconds until we walked down the aisle.
[00:22:26] Elise: Gosh, that’s so like nerve-wracking in and of itself.
[00:22:31] Danielle: That’s why I was crying the entire day, because we were like, we’re going to wait. Um, you know, we’re going to wait and then literally once, literally five minutes before.
[00:22:46] Elise: Well, I love that. I love like the risk taking of it too. And at the end of the day, like to your point when you mentioned some family members, right? Like you don’t know, you really don’t know with marriage, if it’s going to work or not, there’s no definite there’s no a hundred percent and you could know each other a few days, or I guess in the, I don’t know how long her family members knew each other, like a couple months maybe, and it could work or you could know each other, you know, 15 years and it could not. So, at the end of the day, it is very much like that leap of faith, right?
[00:23:15] Danielle: Totally. Yeah.
[00:23:16] Elise: Yeah. And I love that you talked about, you know, the couples counseling and it seems that it even on your own platforms now, mental health is something that you’re a really big advocate of. It seems like you’ve been an advocate of, of counseling, et cetera, for a while.
[00:23:32] Take us through your, the mental health training. Cause I also imagine being in the public eye now, social media, that’s a whole other layer to what it was prior to the show. Right. And what that looked like for you? Yeah.
[00:23:45] Danielle: Yeah. I’ve always been a mental health advocate.
[00:23:50] I’ve always been open to talk about mental health. I feel like, like gone to therapy or started going to a psychiatrist because it’s our open conversations and things that they might not have felt like comfortable discussing before. Um, and so at least like for me, I know I started feeling different when I was eight and I couldn’t attribute it to depression or anxiety at the time because I didn’t know that those words existed and I had a happy life and I would constantly get more and more mad at myself for not being able to just shake the feeling because I knew I had a positive life. And so, it just kind of progressed until college because I still wasn’t educated and it, it, it got bad. It got, it got really bad, and then I started becoming habit, like expressing my feelings to my college friends.
[00:24:46] And then I found the more that I talked about, the more, I benefit more than I realized every single other person has their own like different, you know, mental, I don’t want to call mental health issues, but like there are times when people like get anxious about certain situations and I finally was able to stop blaming myself.
[00:25:04] And the more I talked with others, the better I felt and the better that they felt. And so now that I’m able to do that at a broader scale, it means like it’s the most fulfilling thing to me in the entire world. You know?
[00:25:16] Elise: It’s true though, that peer support that you get from feeling like someone else has felt like this or someone else has gone through this. And now you’re able to amplify that on your platform and in a broader way than just family and friends. Can you tell us a few organizations that you support or that you think are, are doing great work in this space?
[00:25:36] Danielle: I’m supporting Mental Health America, which is one of the largest mental health organizations. They also have, one of their organizations is called, “I don’t mind”. And I love this because their goals really overlap with mine, where it stands for like, I don’t mind talking about my mental health, and so it’s all about individuals sharing their own personal stories, for the same reasons that I’ve mentioned.
[00:26:01] And so again, that’s a part of mental health America as well as hope for the day. So, “Hope for the Day” is also about mental health education starting at an early age. Not only educating yourself, but educating signs of other people they donate a lot to suicide prevention and I’ve known way too many people who have died through suicide, which again is one of the reasons that I’m very vocal about this because we didn’t, you know, like I know there were certain people who I had no idea where you’ve been struggling mentally and maybe if they would have been able to have the confidence to speak about, they could have gotten help earlier on there’s been people as young as junior high.
[00:26:40] Elise: It’s even more, it seems like it’s even more an issue in young people now than before. I don’t know if it’s just cause we’re hearing about it more on social media and things like that, but yeah. I see what you’re saying on that.
[00:26:50] Danielle: Yeah. Yeah. It’s actually the second cause of death among young teens.
[00:26:56] Elise: Wow.
[00:26:57] Danielle: Even before automobile accidents. Yeah. And these are the type of things where if you like go to, like, for example, I Don’t Mind’s website, they educate you on all of that stuff. I think it’s something that’s super important for people to realize.
[00:27:10] It’s like, this is like a leading cause of death. This is why it’s important to educate others about it. And also don’t be judgemental, support each other when you are feeling a certain way so that you don’t have to like, you know, feel like you have to go to those lengths.
[00:27:27] Elise: Well, I always love someone who uses their platform in a positive way. So thank you for sharing that. Where can we find you and Nick on Instagram and other social?
[00:27:38] Danielle: So my Instagram is DNL rule. So it’s D N E L L R Uhl. I actually in the process of trying to build a website, just so I can house an anonymous forum for those who do want to discuss, because I do get a lot of private messages from people who relate or why not share their own stories.
[00:27:59] I’m finding that it’s beneficial to do it on a broader scale. So honestly, some people don’t feel comfortable. So, I’m also going to share my own personal story there. I am going to write a blog just about like a high level of my entire mental health journey is just some of my other friends and family members who have inspired me. So I’ll link that on my Instagram.
[00:28:23] Elise: Amazing. Amazing. Well, thank you so much for being here with us today. It was so fun chatting with you about the fun stuff, like reality TV and the serious stuff like mental health. You’re a well versed lady.
[00:28:36] Danielle: I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to talk about it. Really, it’s all scream it from the rooftops.
[00:28:42] Elise: Yeah, I love it. Well, and this month, obviously, to being mental health awareness month, we have some content plan throughout the month. So glad that we could chat this month. It’s very timely.
[00:28:52] Danielle: Totally. And I’ll have to check that out.
[00:28:53] Elise: Yeah. Thanks Danielle. It was great to meet you. Tell Nick we say hi.
[00:28:58] Danielle: Yeah, I, well, he’s in the other room hiding. Have a good day. Bye.