On this week’s Let’s Talk About… episode, Elise sits down with Carly Brenton, Owner and Designer of Paperscript.
Paperscript’s mission is to encourage offline connections through the simplicity of paper. They create minimalistic, thoughtful products to help you celebrate all of life’s moments, big and small. Paper can evoke a feeling and it should be shared with the people that matter the most to you. Their products are designed, printed and assembled with care in Niagara, Ontario, and they source Canadian materials whenever possible and use local print shops to create a final product they know you will love.
Elise and Carly talk about the story behind Paperscript, the creative process of designing products, and the work-life balance of being an owner and a mother.
“It all just kind of naturally led towards greeting cards for me, because I think the heart and emotion that was behind the card is what I was really chasing with my art, which really led to what my brand is all about and making those connections and that kind of thing.” Carly tells Elise on Let’s Talk About.
To listen to this episode of Let’s Talk About, simply click here or search for “Let’s Talk About by STYLE Canada” on any major streaming platform.
Check out Carly’s products at our ‘the edit’ summer pop-up in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Our chic general store located at 1-233 King Street in NOTL, is open everything Thursday to Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Check out the show transcript below.
[00:00:00] Elise: Hi everyone. And welcome this week. Let’s talk about Paperscript with their founder, Carly Brenton. Carly. Thanks so much for being here with us today.
[00:00:08] Carly: Hi, thanks for having me.
[00:00:10] Elise: Yeah. So this is a continuation of our series to do with our pop up the edit that’s happening in Niagara-on-the-Lake at 233 King street. We are extending it for August and Carly in Papercript is one of the vendors that is gonna be a part of it. So really excited. Yeah. I feel. I can’t believe it’s, we’re already coming to the end of July and this, this podcast will go live the first week of August. So yeah, it’s here. August is here and the pop ups been really fun and it’s been great to work with you, but excited to hear. You know, a little bit behind your brand, which is what we’ve been doing with this series. I feel like when people are shopping today, they wanna know who is the creator. And you’re a perfect example of that in your story. So why don’t we start there? Like what, what was your background? What brought you into this kind of industry and in this field of creating, um, paper, product?
[00:01:06] Carly: Yeah, well, I mean, growing up, I was always the kid who loved arts and crafts. I was always a creative little child and I was always drawn to make and create. And, uh, after I got married, I was kind of in a tough spot. My husband and I were going through some infertility struggles and I really needed something to kind of pour my heart into which which led to me buying a watercolour kid at the dollar store, which is totally random, you know, I kind of just tried it out at home and, started to play around and teach myself the medium and kind of fell in love with it. Like I remember being a little kid and tracing over hand lettering from my parents in cards and, um, watching like, you know, typography and all that kind of stuff, and really being in love with what that looked like and how everybody had their own unique style. So from there, you know, I had friends and family kind of ask me, can you make this? And, you know, would you help me develop this for a party or create something? And. Then eventually I just kind of got the courage to start posting my stuff on social media. Um, and you know, people started to notice my work, which was really exciting. Mm-hmm, , mm-hmm, kind of always been in love with paper, but, it was once I started to get noticed where I’m like, oh, you know, there’s something actually here and it is okay that I have this passion and that, it does make me feel so much emotion from a single piece of paper, you know, mm-hmm so that’s kinda how I got started.
[00:02:25] Elise: I love that cause I share your love of paper. Yeah in New York there’s a store that’s just paper . Yeah and I think it’s called paper source actually.
[00:02:34] Carly: There’s yeah. They’re big in the states. It’s an amazing store. Yeah.
[00:02:36] Elise: Yeah. And then there’s another one that just has like all stationary. I forget the name of it, but like I would go in that store on the weekend and just like get lost because I didn’t have the art talent that you had, but I liked the idea of like making cards and creating. And so I would scrapbook my own cards often. Yeah. Um, but you, so did you start right away when people were asking you to create things that did it kind of start more with, it almost sounds like maybe wedding invites or, or that kind of sort of thing, or did you go right into cards right away or what was the product, I guess assortment, like at the beginning?
[00:03:10] Carly: Um, when I, yeah, when I first started, it was more, um, I need a birthday invitation for an event, you know, a baby shower, a birthday party, that kind of stuff. So mm-hmm, , um, I was piecing things together and kind of figuring out, um, what to do as I went along, you know, my first year at Christmas, I hand-painted the same designs a hundred times on like scoring watercolour paper, which is like the fold, cutting everything myself. Like I really had no idea what I was doing. Um, but it all just kind of naturally led towards greeting cards for me, because I think the heart and emotion that was behind the card is what I was really chasing with my art mm-hmm mm-hmm , which really kind of led to what my brand is all about and making those connections and that kind of thing. So. that’s kind of how I started. I, I’m still learning a ton and I’ve learned along the way as I go, but it’s all kind of come down to the act of the simplicity of a card, you know.
[00:04:06] Elise: And are you now, are you. Still focused. Cause I know we have in the store is not necessarily some of the watercolour pieces. Like, do you kind of do that on like a commission basis on a special, uh, order basis? Or how does that work if someone wanted to like have a unique piece created by you?
[00:04:24] Carly: Yeah. I’ve worked with businesses before to create like custom Christmas cards for them. And uh, different designs. So it is a commission based, program, I guess you would say where I charge a design fee and then ultimately they would. The design and the original artwork afterwards. And then I would create whether that’s cards, like they put it on marketing materials, that kind of thing afterwards. So a lot of my watercolour time goes towards stuff like that. Okay. And then every co I would say like a few times a year, I work on releasing new collections, with a mixture of digital and watercolor pieces together.
[00:04:57] Elise: Okay. So like using both those mediums, cause I was gonna ask you, like, how did it change from one into the other, but it’s kind of like. Straight now then.
[00:05:04] Carly: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So I kind of, I was like, you know, do I get away from watercolour, but that’s really where a lot of my, my love is, and I do love the medium. It, it is a slow medium, and it definitely takes time. I’ve got two little kids at home. So finding time to paint is tough sometimes
[00:05:20] Elise: For sure.
[00:05:20] Carly: But I, when I do it’s that love is still there for sure. But I love mixing it with digital to kind of come up with those final pieces.
[00:05:26] Elise: You talked a little bit about like what drew you to greeting cards?
[00:05:31] Elise: And I feel like there’s this kind of drive in our society anyway, maybe, or hope that we get to like a slower pace, like a snail mail again, or like a green. Do you see that in your business? Like, do you see absolutely people like, kind of starving for that? Like the way things were sort of thing. I know we see it a lot in fashion, like the nostalgia, right? We see it a lot of TV with like the coming back of fuller. Or like different series that are now, now in present day. Right. So do, are you seeing that a little bit in, in greeting cards too then?
[00:06:04] Carly: Yes. You know, the world is so digital and it’s so fast paced and everybody’s craving that ability to go back to slow days when things felt easy and simple. And I think that’s really what a greeting card can deliver. A lot of times. I really truly believe that. Today, like, you know, we’re all glued to our phones. We’re glued to our computers, you know, everyone’s available at all times, you know, but offline is really the new luxury right now. And that’s where I see like, you know, nobody wants the Facebook wall message on their birthday anymore. Like receiving a actual piece of paper in the mail versus something over Facebook. That’s where heart shows and effort. And, you know, these thoughtful actions are really coming through. And when. A paper script customer really shows that they love my product. Like that’s what they’re looking for. And those are the, the acts and, and the things that they’re doing to show others that, you know, they’re staying connected today and they are meaningful in their life as well, too. So it’s just, it’s offline connections through this simple. Fact of paper, right.
[00:07:02] Elise: It’s really like you’re right. It’s the simplest thing. I think sending a greeting card, like I had a friend whose mom’s, um, sick and I just sent her one of your cards actually. And it was literally like my message in, it was just like a thinking of you. And like, I think I put in like, Um, a small like eye mask or something like, like a little thing and just that is enough to brighten someone’s day. Right? Like I think we often feel like we need to be doing something elaborate or something digital, but like, I always find like on my birthday anyway, to me, it’s the friends that pick up the phone and call me yes. That like have the most meaning or. It doesn’t have to be a gift, but Brice a card. No, not often. There’s one friend actually that like always sends me a card that lives far away mm-hmm and I was like, that’s so nice that like, she always remembers and, and I kind of do the same back, but yeah. It’s like, those are the kind of connections that we crave right now. Right. Not, not that wall post, like. that that is doesn’t have as much time and effort. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So that’s interesting kind of that change that you see, is there anything else that you see in like your customers? I don’t know if it’s like or trends within that space that you’re in. um, or any, you mentioned some customer, like stories, anything like that, that kind of comes up for you that you’d like to share?
[00:08:20] Carly: I find, for me, the big thing is, is once you discover, you know, who your customer is at, like you said, I’m a paper person, mm-hmm once you kind of meet those people and you discover, like you’re a paper person, that connection is there. And I found like my customers are long term, which is great. And they appreciate those simple acts. And I always say like, they’re the type of person that. is always seeking to celebrate the small moments in life. So, yes, it’s exciting to send, you know, a card for a wedding or those types of things. But when you’re sending a card to a friend, just because, you know, you miss them, or you just wanted to say, Hey, or, you know, I think you’re doing a great job or whatever. Those are the things that I think are kind of more trending in my industry right now. And I think that it’s a lot of, the younger generation that’s looking for cards. Are simple and that are not necessarily a traditional card. Like you wanna send a card to somebody like, you know, joking saying, Hey, you know, you’re, you’re getting a divorce, you’re better off, you know, like these things that are really, you know, specific and, and really show that there’s effort and thought is what the industry is definitely seeing right now, as opposed to. Hey, happy birthday. You know, so obviously there’s a place for those, but people are looking for more specific, more intention and more thoughtfulness, I think in the industry right now.
[00:09:36] Elise: And like a little humor too. Like I find sometimes when I’m in front of a good card wall, And it’s it’s oftentimes like yours or like in a little kind of boutique. I love reading what the sayings are because they’re, they’re quite witty actually. Yeah. Versus like, you know, when you were maybe in the drug store buying a cart and I, I do think too, like it’s worth saying, um, The price point of your cards are, are actually like quite reasonable compared to what you pay in a drug store nowadays for a card.
[00:10:03] Carly: Thank you.
[00:10:03] Elise: And I love how easy you make it in terms of like at the store. We have the box of, I think it’s the all occasions box, right? For 30, some odd dollars. Yeah. And it’s like every occasion in there, which I, I personally bought one because I thought it was just so great in terms. You’re always not having a card for the occasion that you need to have a card for. And so many people I think in the store have bought it too, because of that, they’re like, oh yeah, this is like the no brainer. So I love how you kind of like make it as accessible as possible for people. Because I think sometimes, and oftentimes maybe more in fashion when we’re buying local and buying small batch, there is like a, a larger expense to that because it’s made in Canada, it’s, it’s slow made, but cards is one of those things that. Even though you make it locally and it is handmade, the price point, like your price point is fairly friendly and you do it in, like I said, an approachable way. Mm-hmm um, so I think that’s worth saying too, just so people kind of have an idea, have an idea there, what they can get from you.
[00:11:06] Carly: Yeah. Yeah. I work with a local printer too. So I was really, oh, cool. Excited to be able to work with her and also support another small business in the area to get myself to a price where I can offer quality product for a lower price point too. Right. Mm-hmm so that people feel good about supporting local also knowing it’s affordable and they’re doing something for their own community to put the money back towards where they live, you know?
[00:11:27] Elise: Yeah. And I knew, I know doing something for your own community is really kind of a focus for you too. Yeah. Can you tell us a little bit about some of the initiatives that you’ve done in the past and what you hope to do in the future with community give back?
[00:11:41] Carly: Yeah, I have a program, so it was a long. Standing goal of mine through paper script to find a way to incorporate, um, a program within my business, to give back to my community and to give back to organizations that are doing good within my community. Um, so last year I launched my first in first initiative, I’ve called it cards that give back. So I basically have offering card packs. This is a set of three cards and a hundred percent of the proceeds, uh, go back to that organization. So for me, it’s just, you know, I am happy to donate my. Time and energy and that kind of thing. And to be able to start important conversations about, , you know, things that need awareness that’s happening in the world right now, and topics that aren’t necessarily often talked about enough, um, generate conversations and just basically bring shed light upon things that we should all be working towards together to create a better society.
[00:12:32] Carly: I did one last year, for the Abbey. In St. Catherine’s, which is a transitional home for, indigenous women in need. So I was really excited to be able to launch that last year. And I thought my next one coming out in October, which is for the pale network, which is the pregnancy and infant loss network through Sunnybrook. So, and that one kind of ties back to how I kind of all got started, right? Like we were going through infertility struggles and miscarriages. So that kind of what led me to start this business as well. So it feels a little full circle. I’m excited too. Yeah.
[00:13:01] Elise: That’s very full circle! Yeah.
[00:13:02] Carly: Yeah. To kind of go back to that. So I’m looking to expand this program and to at least do two per year. So using that’s awesome. My platform of these cards to be able to give back to my community as well, too. Yeah.
[00:13:15] Elise: Yeah, that’s great. And you talked, you just said your platform there. I feel like you’ve been doing some great content in, in the short form video world. So maybe you could take us through, like, you know, what some of your goals were for 2022 and how social media was incorporated into that and kind of your feelings around that.
[00:13:34] Carly: Yeah, well, so I, I will start saying, I, I rebranded my business last year. Um, I was under a different name before, and the big difference for me was I was creating products, um, that I thought were trending that I thought people would, you know, wanna buy and that kind of thing. And, and not necessarily always looking to identify a gap in the market, in this area and, within Canada and that kind of stuff. So I, I rebranded, I started to create for. As opposed to for other people. Um, and then I really was, you know, I started to kinda gain some traction through that and, and designing only for what I actually love. Like, would I pick up this product and purchase it at a store? And, and my answer is always, yes, cuz I don’t want anything to be out there that. Isn’t something that I’m wholeheartedly in love with, I guess, without sounding, you know, confus or whatever.
[00:14:22] Elise: Well, I think, I think success comes when you do, you know, you love what you’re doing and it does show, it sounds so cheesy, but like, it’s actually like kind of true universe works like that.
[00:14:33] Carly: Yes. And, and for me, like that’s what keeps it. Motivating inspirational. Like, you know, I I’m always really drawn to create because it’s something that I’m excited about and it doesn’t feel necessarily like a chore if that yeah, absolutely lacks a better word. Maybe Absolut. Yeah. But so for 2022, I made the decision, with my family to go full time with my business as well. It was a, a side project before, but since going full-time I said, you know, I really gotta just go for this. And, , a couple of my big goals for this year was, To really be vulnerable and, you know, things that maybe I was, you know, hesitant to before, or kind of held back on, I, I said, you’d have to push through your comfort zone and kind of mm-hmm , you know, push yourself to grow. I find now that I’m stepping out of my comfort zone, I see a lot more growth and I’ve been getting a lot more, attention and praise, which has been super, amazing. And another thing too, is that some other things I’ve set for 20 22 is to do less, to do better. I think we all need to, and I read this actually at Shannon Passero’s store, she had said that, you know, you have to find your passion and then you have to learn to do it really, really well and become an expert. And then you have to help others to do it as well, too. So, um, I just decided like do less to do better this year. You. Wear so many hats and all that kind of stuff. So, um, I’m doing less trying to become an expert in what I’m doing and then reaching out to my community in different ways to see how I can help. But with that vulnerability this year too, uh, I’ve also decided like, Push past those barriers. No, one’s gonna say yes to you unless you ask the questions. That’s always a no, unless you’re putting yourself out there, you know, so mm-hmm, , I’ve been like, you know, okay, this is what I’m doing. I’m gonna be unapologetic. I’m gonna say like, yep. You’re either here to help me or I’m gonna move forward, you know? And, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Nobody’s gonna love my business as much as I am, but I’ve discovered that there’s gonna be a lot of people along the way that are gonna wanna help. Mm-hmm but I just need to put myself out there and, and do those. So mm-hmm, , I’ve stepped outta my comfort zone. You know, I’ve gotten my face on TikTok now and, you know, yeah.
[00:16:32] Elise: You’re like a TikTok celeb on my TikTok anyway. Oh my, you come up as one of my friends. So you’re, you’re always at the beginning.
[00:16:39] Carly: It’s hard, you know, sometimes you feel kind of silly you’re you’re there by yourself and, you know, I, I refuse to dance. That’s one thing I’m like, I’m not gonna be standing there doing dances, but you know, there’s a lot of people to connect with and I think social media is always changing. So if you’re not willing to kind of be vulnerable and put yourself out there and try new things, then you know, what are you doing? Right. Mm-hmm so for me, it was something this year that I thought I would just, you know, give it a shot and, and, and it has made a difference, you know, behind the scenes, I’ve gotten a couple new wholesale accounts from it and that kind of thing.
[00:17:07] Elise: That’s awesome.
[00:17:08] Carly: Yeah. So I think that it’s, uh, it’s important to kind. Put yourself out there and, and try, right? Yeah.
[00:17:14] Elise: So, and I mean, just on that note of like stepping out of comfort zone and fear, I feel like, and this has come up a few times in this, this series that we’ve done with the founders. It’s like, how do you, um, especially coming outta the last two years. Right? It’s like, how did, how have you gotten back into the swing of things or like tried. Put that fear at bay a little, like, is it, is it just keeping those kind of quotes in mind that maybe you’ve heard? Is it just, is it the focusing in, like what, what is there. Or do you just jump sometimes like, for me, I feel like I, and I’ll give you an example to maybe clarify my question a little bit, but for me before I’ve been making major decisions, which is probably not the most, logical way, but when I’ve gone through all the logic and all the strategy. Yeah. And I still I’m feeling like it’s really fear. That’s holding me back. I’ve just been kind of like, okay. Universe, like give me a. Yeah. And so that’s, just not scientific, but that’s been kinda like my thing lately. Is there something that you’ve done that pushes you to take that extra, like step or.
[00:18:24] Carly: I think for me, like, you know, you said keeping those quotes close to heart. , I have them printed and they’re up on my wall. Okay. So they’re things that I definitely remind myself of consistently. Um, I also have, you know, a big support system at home, so I. People are always pushing me like, Hey, what’s next? What are you gonna do? Like, yes, you can do this. We’ve got the kids. We’re gonna, you know, make sure that your kids are fed dinner.
[00:18:47] Carly: We’re gonna do this, you go do this. And so you get your stuff done, you know? Yeah. So I’m really lucky to have that support system behind me to be when I’m fearful, I’m saying, oh, I don’t think so. And they were like, you have an opportunity. You need to run with it. So I’m very grateful for that. Um, but really just keeping my why close to heart. Um, and like I said, like, I, I had to really trust myself this year because I did go full time, you know? So I,
[00:19:10] Elise: That’s a big leap!
[00:19:11] Carly: It is a big leap and it is risky. And, you know, I’m really grateful for the support system and my husband and you know, that kind of thing. But, Treating things a little bit differently at home. Like these are office hours now. It’s not just, you know, mommy’s gonna work on something while it’s nap time. Like these are my office hours or I’m a big fan of booking a hotel room for the night and going by myself and, oh my God.
[00:19:31] Elise: Yeah, we should talk about that. I saw that you’ve done that a couple times. Can you? Yeah. I feel like that’d be interesting to share if you want.
[00:19:38] Carly: Yeah, for sure. I think that for me, like, it is hard. I’ve got a, like a four year old and two year old at home. So mm-hmm , I am a full-time mom too, and obviously they’re a huge priority for me. So, I’m trying to set those boundaries as I think a lot of us are to make sure that when we’re at a certain task or whatever we’re doing that we’re a hundred percent present. Right? My deadlines are coming up when things are busy. It’s hard when I’m with the kids. Sometimes mm-hmm . So I would save a couple months. I just say to my husband, like I need a work night and I book myself a hotel room and I literally check in as soon as possible. I write out my to-do list. I put it up on a mirror and I just crush some goals. And that weight allows me to kind of. Refresh, you know, recenter myself. And then I go back to my family a hundred percent. Attentive and fully focused on them. Mm-hmm and it allows me to kind of just clear my conscience of like maybe some big tasks that I had or mm-hmm it’s, it’s hard with my, my work with designing too. Like, especially with watercolor, you can’t just do 20 minutes here, 20 minutes there, like to actually sit down and do a piece like. Sometimes I need to sit down for like, you know, eight hours to crush some actual good painting. So kids aren’t gonna let me do that, you know, or, oh yeah. The dishwasher’s not gonna wait and that kind of thing. So, yeah. Yeah. Um, it’s really been a good thing for me to kind of be able to have those little bit of an escape and I think it’s good for my family too. So it’s been a priority.
[00:20:58] Elise: I love that. It’s almost like you’re an author writing a book kind of, you know, they like do their, they have their like retreat retreat.
[00:21:05] Carly: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:21:06] Elise: But you do it in. A consolidated version and probably knock so much out. I do feel like when we put our minds to it, if we have a few hours, we can get a lot done sometimes without distraction. Right. Oh yeah.
[00:21:18] Carly: And I don’t even leave the hotel room. Like I order my dinner in, I put a podcast on or good music. Like I turn all my notifications off and it’s like fully mummy at work time. Like I’m going for it. You know? So. Yeah, it’s, uh, it’s definitely worked for me and I, I definitely push other people and other entrepreneurs to try it cuz I think it’s definitely beneficial. So I gotta do that.
[00:21:39] Elise: Actually. I’m happy that you brought that up cause I saw, I think you posted about on TikTok. Yeah. And I was like, oh my God, that’s so cool that she did that. I feel like it’s we especially, as an entrepreneur, you’re you often, aren’t thinking of. The next step or like ideating or sitting and thinking about goals in the future. And it sounds like these moments for you are part productivity, right? Yeah. Like getting things done, but also like some goal setting and yeah, there’s something to be said of just giving yourself that time. And it doesn’t have to be in like an organized, like business conference or retreat and almost. For me. And I don’t know, it sounds like maybe for you, like those quieter, like moments of solitude are where you can have some of your most creative thoughts or also maybe just reset, right?
[00:22:26] Carly: Yeah. So, yeah, I think it’s a huge combination of both. Absolutely. Where you feel inspired, you feel ready to tackle new things, whether that’s at home or in business and you feel. I walk away feeling refreshed, like, you know, I shower, I blow dry my hair nice in the morning. And then I’m like, okay, I’m home and I’m feeling good, you know?
[00:22:42] Elise: Yeah. So, yeah. And I think how often.
[00:22:46] Carly: I try every couple of months, I would try couple months. Yeah. Um, depending on the time of the year too. Right? Like summer’s a lot slower right now. And I really try to focus on the kids, but, , come Christmas. It’s just nuts, cuz that’s a huge time for my industry and stuff. So sometimes I really need to take a step back to. To do it more often. So yeah, shame. Right.
[00:23:05] Elise: I love that. Well, what can we expect from you in the rest of 2022? I know you shared some of your charity things, Chris, I guess Christmas is, oh my God. Christmas is six months away. So we have a little bit of time, but people need preparing in October necessarily, right?
[00:23:20] Carly: No. What much time? If you’re looking at some of the larger distributors for my industry, I’m actually like behind, like a lot of people are buying for Christmas now. Okay. Um, but I, I don’t launch that early, of course, but I’m working on expanding the Christmas collection that I launched last year, which was really exciting. I launched wrapping paper last year, which was great.
[00:23:40] Elise: I was gonna you cause feel like I saw some of that. Yeah. Cool. Very cool.
[00:23:44] Carly: I loved it. It was something it’s been a long term goal of mine, so it, and it was received really, really well too. So, um, I’m looking at expanding that, and I’m hoping to launch an everyday collection too. So I’m kind of going through the production, and seeing what I learned last year and the manufacturing right now to be able to relaunch some of those. And like I said, I’ve got a cards that give back campaign coming up in October, which is ex. Citing. And then a few other things that are up nicely that I’m hoping to get launched by the end of the year, too. So, I mean, it’s downtime right now and I really think it’s important. Like I try my best to work on personal development behind the scenes too. So I’ve been taking some online courses and, and like I said, like really trying to become somewhat of an expert in my industry and make sure I’m, I’m understanding all of the standards and those types of things to making sure I, my, my brand is aligned and where it should be. Mm-hmm um, but. But yeah, that’s kind of what I’ve got going on right now. And things will ramp up in September, October for the holidays. So kind of making sure I’m the most prepared as I can be. So yeah.
[00:24:41] Elise: Yeah, you sound, you sound very organized, so ,
[00:24:44] Carly: I cry. I think you have to be at sometimes. So you, you know, maybe you wouldn’t think so if you saw my office mid, uh, mid-November of how things are crazy in holidays but I tried my.
[00:24:55] Elise: So, yeah. Well, where can everyone find out more about paper script, your social website, et cetera?
[00:25:01] Carly: Yeah, so all of my socials are, um, at paperscript.ca and that would be, uh, TikTok and Instagram. I also have Facebook page as well, too. And then my website is www.paperscript.ca. So all the information can be found on there and I’m happy to connect in any way through DM emails, all that kind of stuff. I’m available so
[00:25:21] Elise: awesome. And of course they can find you at the popup this month too, which is great. Oh, of August.
[00:25:25] Carly: I know. I’m so excited. You decided to continue that. So yeah. Yeah.
[00:25:28] Elise: Us too. Us too. Well, thanks Carly so much for being here with us today. It was thankfully, so nice to like, hear a little bit more about your story and obviously known you for a little while, but it’s always like refreshing to have a one-on-one conversation cause you don’t often get that time with a founder.
[00:25:44] Carly: Yeah. So appreciate it. Absolutely. Thank you. It so fun to connect today.