Last week, a few members of the STYLE desk showed you their
deskside essentials for optimal comfort and productivity. Today, they’re back with the bedside necessities that have helped them establish healthy nighttime routines during the pandemic.
Similar to how a warm mug of coffee or a pair of blue light glasses can make all the difference in the trajectory of their work days, a cute scrunchie or a good book can set just the right mood before bed.
Aleah’s bedside essentials
Deep Sleep Pillow Spray: Since the start of the pandemic, I have, similarly to many others as I have heard, developed insomnia. Likely from the inactivity of some days and the anxiety of not knowing what is next. Because of this, I have become way more attuned to my sleep hygiene and
this product has become my new best friend. It smells incredible and it is so concentrated that I haven’t even finished one bottle since last March! I really don’t know if its placebo or legit science, but whatever it is, it works for me.
Essential oil diffuser: The dryness of winter always hits me once the new year rolls in – having a diffuser beside my bed has helped immensely. Plus, adding some calming essential oils promotes relaxation.
Yeti Rambler: A diffuser can only do so much though – I always keep some water beside my bed for when I wake up in the night and to help me rehydrate in the morning. My
Yeti is great because it keeps my water ice cold (and matches my colour scheme!).
Mursal’s beside essentials
e.l.f Lip Exfoliator: After seeing this product go viral on TikTok, I knew had to try it. It’s so convenient – a lip scrub but in the form of a lipstick. It’s only $4 and does a great job of exfoliating your lips.
Dior Lip Glow Oil: Instead of using a lip balm, I like to use lip oil to hydrate my lips. The
Dior Lip Glow Oil has made a huge difference in my lips – they don’t feel dry and chapped anymore. The oils has an amazing high-shine finish and I keep one or two in my bag as well.
Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies: After I got a bad haircut in 2020, I needed to grow my hair out and these vitamins helped tremendously. My hair is growing a lot faster than it usually does and they’ve made a difference in my nails as well.

Annie’s beside essentials
Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask: I use it every night and the Water Sleeping Mask three to four times a week. I always wake up with my skin feeling refreshed and hydrated.
Fresh blooms: I love to have flowers by my bed because it keeps the space feeling fresh.
Aroma Botanical Candle: I like to light this candle while I’m winding down in the evenings.
Books: I unwind at night by reading in bed (currently reading A Promised Land by Obama) and start my days off writing in my Burn After Writing journal in the mornings.
Scrunchies: I always keep a scrunchie or two by my bed to have them easily accessible for when I’m reading or waiting for my Water Sleeping Mask to absorb into the skin.