An 8-foot-tall art installation popped up in the centre of Downtown Vancouver earlier this month. The larger-than-life banana peel was unveiled in front of the London Drugs at Granville and Georgia Street, on display to curious passerby at the busy street corner. And no, it isn’t part of a giant game of MarioKart.
The installation, which asks the question “Can you see it?” is said to be designed to spark discussion about preventable injuries, and remind people that accidents can happen to anyone. The Community Against Preventable Injuries, who is behind the buzz-worthy installation, is hoping it helps to bring awareness to the fact that 90% of the time serious injuries aren’t random unpredictable events: they happen because we close our eyes to the risks that are right in front of us.
It’s easy to cut corners and take little risks on a daily basis. Whether you’re speeding to get to work on time, cycling without a helmet (who wants ‘hat hair’), or having “just one more” drink on a night out, we all do it sometimes. Everyone’s lives are busy, but we should always value our health before anything else!
Dr. Ian Pike, spokesperson for Preventable, says the campaign is meant to challenge the assumption that ‘bad stuff might happen to others, but not to me’ – something most of us are guilty of thinking at one time or another.
So the next time you’re texting and driving, or jaywalking to catch the bus, remember to have a word with yourself first. After all, most accidents we can see coming.
Contributor: Britta Bissig
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Photo Credit: John Lau
Britta is the founder of, a fashion and beauty blog based out of Vancouver, Canada. Britta is a prominent member of the Vancouver fashion and beauty community, and is also a luxury and lifestyle brand PR specialist with White Rabbit Communications.

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