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Search results for "women"


Regrets are something I prefer not to hold onto, but ask any woman in her 30s and I promise she’ll tell you that she...


Tania Tonello is a fashion stylist, personal shopper, and regular contributor to STYLE Canada based in Downtown Toronto. On #WardrobeWednesdays, she gives you fun yet...


As a group of women working towards common goals for STYLE Canada‘s brand and business, we understand the value of peer support in the...


Welcome to STYLE Canada‘s Boreal Book Club: a monthly meeting narrated by Erin Catto, (reviewer at Girl Well Read), for bookworms who’re looking to scour new...


The times we live in are impossible to describe simply. The world is wracked with political turmoil, climate change, sickness, and of course, who...


When we think about self-care, a face mask, bubble bath, and a crisp glass of wine come to mind. Though the act of enjoying...


Tania Tonello is a fashion stylist, personal shopper, and regular contributor to STYLE Canada based in Downtown Toronto. On #WardrobeWednesdays, she gives you fun yet...


As a group of women working towards common goals for STYLE Canada‘s brand and business, we understand the value of peer support in the...


In an unexpected panic to keep their local communities safe, we’re proud to be witnessing the kindness and generosity of Canadian fashion brands during...


Tania Tonello is a fashion stylist, personal shopper, and regular contributor to STYLE Canada based in Downtown Toronto. On #WardrobeWednesdays, she gives you fun yet...