Whether you have permanently moved to a new location, or you are on
holidays, or are adopting a digital nomad lifestyle, finding yourself in an
unfamiliar location with no family or friends can be a huge challenge. Finding
people you would want to build relationships with can take up some energy and
is obviously time-consuming. If you are traveling and stuck on how you can find
friends to hang out with, the following ways can help you meet new people and
decide if you want to hang out with them frequently. While the ideas may not be
applicable to everybody and on every trip, the list offers some tips to get
started and grow your circles.
Local Facebook
When you arrive in a new city, it makes a lot of sense to search for local
Facebook groups as they give you an opportunity to meet new people. One can
specifically look out for ‘Expats’ or ‘Newcomers’ groups in their new location.
In many cases, there are existing and vibrant online communities that you can
become part of. You are likely to find general advice on traffic, where to do
shopping, hangout joints, and many other recommendations. Facebook groups also
have loads of interesting discussions ranging from local politics, job
opportunities, and popular culture. While at it, you can post
a status update introducing yourself and possibly invite people to grab a
cup of coffee. You will be surprised at how many people would turn up, and
become your new friends.

Meetup is a relatively new website where people post get-togethers and
events. Once you log in, you can choose events that you are interested in and
are based in your location. You have the chance to select events such as
hiking, language learning, or book club meetings. If you are visiting Canada,
for instance, you might meet a friend who likes to play casino games online.
Friends can teach you how to play slots, blackjack or even poker. You will see
that winning a bet online is one of
the best feelings in the world. In Meetup, you can also set up your own event
and invite others to participate.
Pub Quizzes
Pub quizzes are loved by many. It is fun drinking and discussing major world
events, trade, history or just any topic that crosses the participant minds.
Pub quizzes can be an interesting way to hook up with new friends when on the
move. Go to the clubs, approach small or medium-sized teams and ask if you can
join them. Most teams will be glad to have you as discussions become better
with more brains. While at it, do not be intimidated, you don’t have to be an
expert in a certain field to contribute. Keep your focus, if anything, your
goal is to make friends!

friends is not easy but it is worth every effort. You may once in a while
have to move out of your comfort zone and set yourself out there, which may be
hard. Unfortunately, not having friends in a new destination can even be more
stressing and depressing. Try using local Facebook groups, use the Meetup app,
and attend bar quizzes when you can. Using the above approaches, you can forge
new friendships and make your travel and stay worthwhile.

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