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Moving Abroad In Your 30s; Too Late For An Adventure?

Making Friends takes Work, but it’s Worth the Investment

By and far, the largest challenge at any age of moving to a new city, is making friends. Friendship takes time, it takes luck and most of all it takes WORK. As we grow up, we become lazy with new friendships. That said as life progresses we tend to make more meaningful connections and friends, because we know exactly the type of friendships and hobbies that are important to us. No matter how old you are the biggest game changer is being open to new conversations, people and having a set of hobbies to keep you out and engaged in conversation. Personally, I have found the people we have met and started to establish relationships with incredibly interesting, intellectual and kind. At this stage of life most individuals know who they are and are incredibly comfortable in their own skin, making the base for incredible conversation and friendship.

Contributor: Elizabeth Fraser


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