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Moving Abroad In Your 30s; Too Late For An Adventure?

Reinventing Yourself can be a Good Thing

One of the reasons I think a 30s adventure becomes more difficult is because as humans we get incredibly comfortable in our surroundings. We tend to become a product of our environment – largely formed by our friends and family. Typically this is a good thing, as most people tend to surround themselves with people who share similar beliefs and hobbies. That said, breaking out from this gives you a chance to reevaluate things. You can try and do things you normally wouldn’t do, or stop doing things you have always done. Away from home you realize that certain social norms are a product of the environment you choose to sit in, they are somewhat relative. In a new environment, you can re-calibrate yourself and self-improve without the fear of criticism or feeling like you can’t break your previous world’s bias.

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