On this week’s Let’s Talk About… episode, Elise sits down with Julien Blanchard, founder of Les Industries Groom.
Les Industries Groom is a men’s grooming brand based in Montreal. Since 2013, they have been passionately developing their signature formulas using handpicked natural and ecological ingredients. Their inspiration is rooted in the tradition of male skincare, enriched by scientific breakthroughs in cosmetics.
Elise and Julien talk about the beginnings of Les Industries Groom, trend shifts in men’s self-care, and gender fluidity in grooming products.
“I love testing the reaction of women to products because oftentimes they will be them buying a gift for men around them but sometimes they will be like, Hey, That face moisturizer feels so nice, I’m getting it for myself; That styling sea salt spray is wonderful in my hair. I’m getting that big bustle and that’s going on my part of the shelf.“ Julien tells Elise on Let’s Talk About.
To listen to this episode of Let’s Talk About, simply click here or search for “Let’s Talk About by STYLE Canada” on any major streaming platform.
Check out Julien’s products at our ‘the edit’ summer pop-up in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Our chic general store located at 1-233 King Street in NOTL, is open everything Thursday to Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Check out the show transcript below.
[00:00:00] Elise: Hi everyone. and welcome this week. Let’s talk about GROOM with founder, Julian Blanchard. We are doing this series on the podcast with brands that are included in our popup that’s happening this summer at 233 King street in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Les Industries Groom is just one of those brands. So we’re so excited to have you here with us today, Julian.
Julian: Thanks for having me.
Elise: So I’m really excited to talk to you because I love talking to the founders behind all of these brands, because I feel like so often when we’re seeing a product in the shop, I’m sharing some of the brand stories or whoever’s in the store, shares some of the brand stories, but I feel like these podcasts are kind of features we’re doing on-site, to let everyone go a little deeper into knowing the story behind the brand and I know myself as a consumer I’m interested now in the story behind the brand, right? Like you wanna know who is the person that’s making this product for me, what’s their story. So why don’t we start there? What’s your story?
[00:00:55] Julian: My story. It’s an interesting one, not because I’m an overly interesting person, but because it’s kind of like things unfolded in ways that were not planned at all. But somehow, pieces seem to be fitting and I feel like I’m in the right place.
So first of all, like nothing, predetermined me to be the founder of a men’s care brand. I grew up in a small town in Quebec and I eventually after some years of backpacking in Europe, I did some literature studies in Montreal, and then Montreal became home and well, literature is not really the sort of field of study that gives you a job right away once you have your degree. So, I kind of worked a little bit in the food and beverage industry. And that was all very fun, and just for the sake of it I decided to grow a mustache, you know, these curly handlebar mustaches. And I have to say, be aware of any mustache you might decide to grow, because it could change your life. It has dramatically changed mine.
[00:02:08] Elise: Yeah. A simple week or two, of not shaving is really brought you a whole new trajectory.
[00:02:14] Julian: Yeah, exactly. I used to be the guy who didn’t care so much about anything self-care, but the moment I grew a mustache out, I was like, okay, so I will look very stupid if I don’t style it. So let’s find something to style it – It’s mustache wax that I have to use. So let’s find some, and, I’ll need to be clean-shaven on the rest of my face otherwise I’ll just look scruffy. So it’s, I mean, some people will support it well with a scruffy face, but, for me it just didn’t work.
[00:02:41] Julian: So I got into wet shaving, so there are already two things that I got into and that was right before the barber trend came around, like the new, the revival of the barbershop and everything. So wax was not a thing to be found, anywhere easily.
[00:02:56] Elise: Okay.
[00:02:57] Julian: Yep. So I, had to shop online, especially in the US, and that was even at a time shopping online wasn’t that much of a craze either – it was about 10 years ago.
[00:03:08] Elise: I was gonna say, what year was it? Okay, so we’re talking like 2012 kind of thing.
Julian: 2010.
Elise: Okay.
[00:03:12] Julian: Yeah, exactly. And the mustache, got me working in a place like one of those first speakeasy bars as well, where I was surrounded by other mustachios with bearded guys that were before the trend.
[00:03:25] Elise: I was just gonna say, I could envision that in that setting and you’re right. Like, that was very much like you, you’d have to work at a speakeasy. You’d have, it’d be like a, you’d be making cool cocktails. And now there’s very much there’s that did become a bigger trend. I never thought of it that way. Like it, it kind of started there.
[00:03:45] Julian: Right. Yeah, it really did. Okay. All these, uh, yeah, the old sound cocktails and that look that specific edgy old school Gatsby look, it was all so ubiquitous at the time. Like it was like the definition of cool at the time.
[00:04:02] Elise: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:04:03] Julian: And that makes me, think I’ll, I do have pictures of my of myself in that role of the cool bartender. So I will send some send you.
[00:04:12] Elise: Yeah, for sure. That’d be perfect. I love that!
[00:04:16] Julian: So as I was shopping for massage waxes, the ones I would be getting wasn’t quite as I wished it to be. One was too soft that the one was too sticky, so with a couple friends that I’d met at the bar we started playing around with making our own, because you look at the ingredients and you’re like, hey, I could get that anywhere, let’s just play with ratios and we’ll have something.
[00:04:42] Elise: And if you’re all bartenders and mixologists, you’re like used to kind of playing around with ingredients.
[00:04:50] Julian: We created that at night, and in the daytime in our kitchen. And, um, so that was the mustache wax part that started it. Our niches and the tiniest products is the one that’s, it’s the seed on which the rest of GROOM grew. So I always find that funny when I think about it. And while we were at it, we also did some beard oil tests because we could, we could see like people like our friends had beard, so let’s try and make some, and we were friends with a guy who had a barbershop. So the revival of the, the barbershop. And he was like, guys, I I’ll be selling these products, so we made a brand, put a logo on it, a price tag and let’s, let’s do business.
[00:05:36] Elise: Very organic start then.
[00:05:38] Julian: Very much so. And so there was three of us at the start. Uh, none of us had any experience in, in, um, in care products or in business management. We had not, Uh, any funds to put into it, to invest.
[00:05:52] Julian: We all had our other jobs, so that’s how it started. Like we would just. Cook some products, um, and then um, like have a drink, hang out and sell the batch. And then when it’s gone, we meet again and do do some more, but still we, we had like that, aesthetics. We wanted to do things.
[00:06:10] Julian: A way that we’d be proud. So, uh, we came up with a name that’s that felt good. Um, and even when we were not taking ourselves seriously, we were doing it in a serious way. Some like, so we’d be proud of, of what we do.
[00:06:24] Elise: Mm-hmm mm-hmm yeah. Cause I mean, it’s one thing to just kind of play around, you know, for your, for yourself, but where was that moment where you’re. Oh, this is an actual business now, like this is, you know, what was that term? What, what was there one thing, was it a slow culmination of things, or was there one thing that happened that you’re like, oh, we gotta take this seriously. Like let’s and, or did it happen slowly?
[00:06:49] Julian: It happened by steps. Like the first moment that we, um, uh, that, that first epiphany moment, when I think back on it, it was like, okay, that’s that was, that was cute. there were some bigger ones after that. But, the first epiphany moment came rather quickly. So when we started selling our products, it was. Kind of, like , late October, early November. Okay. And just if like, uh, like a month after that there were the Christmas markets and we’re like, Hey, why don’t we try it? Um, so it was your really like, like crafty, uh, grungy, Under, like church basement type of, of markets that we, uh, that we went to called in, uh, in Montreal. And we, we sold out, we didn’t make that many products to start with, but we sold out of our inventory twice during that, that three day, event. So it was like, okay, so we have to do a little bit, like maybe we have something here.
[00:07:46] Elise: Yeah. Yeah. And I would imagine too, at that time, Like, I feel like there’s a lot, there’s a lot of markets. There’s a lot of popups now was there that many at that time, like that many outlets to kind of sell your product in, and maybe there was more in Montreal, but I’m trying to think back 10 years. Like it wasn’t as, as abundant anyway, as it is now. Right. When it comes to distribution.
[00:08:10] Julian: Yeah, I would say so. Um, I mean, just thinking, uh, about the fact that our first online shop was Etsy, because Etsy was a really cool place where you would go shop for, for things.
[00:08:22] Julian: Yeah. I mean, Etsy still exists and, and some people do really well on there, but. It’s, it’s not like a major player in online shopping anymore. Mm-hmm but it was like then, because that’s mm-hmm and that’s where we felt like we, we should go to, to try it out in a decent, yet accessible way.
[00:08:40] Elise: Mm-hmm mm-hmm yeah. And now there’s, I mean, many different ones, right. Besides, but yeah, you’re right. Etsy was kind of, I guess, like a leader in that aspect as well. So, you know, this product. You know, you, you know, this product is doing well. Would you say from the beginning that it sounds like you were intentional about how you wanted to brand it, right?
[00:08:59] Elise: Mm-hmm like you wanted it to be kind of cool and to fit with your kind of vibe. What about what was going into the products like, cuz there’s I would imagine , you know, the thought of okay. How. What ingredients do we wanna use? Do we want it to be like all made in locally? Do we want it to be sourced locally? Like what did that all happen naturally to, or was there kind of a moment where you paused and like, okay, let’s actually think about what components we want to go into this from a product perspective.
[00:09:29] Julian: So we, there are a couple things here, from our, our value standpoint, um, it was, we were, we were drawn to using natural ingredients. But also I’ll have to be honest. Uh, we didn’t have much choice because we didn’t know anything about, like ingredients specific to, uh, to men’s grooming. So we had to keep it simple. Because we were not chemists at all.
[00:09:51] Elise: Right, right.
[00:09:53] Julian: like that, that more like elaborate product, like that depth of knowledge, um, came later on in the groom story. Now we have, , in-house chemists and, and we really source like beautiful ingredients from natural origins, but that gave you that edge in terms of efficiency. But back then, it was like, okay, let’s, let’s go for something clean and, and locally made. But. I mean,
[00:10:17] Elise: this what’s at the gro. Is it literally like what’s at the grocery store? Is that kind of the level of where you start
[00:10:23] Julian: maybe more your, your health foods, , or your, your hand store, you know, like places where you’ll buy, like where you can buy she butter. And vegetable oils that are, not food grade, but cosmetic grade, bees, wax beads. So kind of your, your DIY, um, okay. Um, self care product store.
[00:10:43] Elise: Got it. And you mentioned that there was sort of these. You know, the market ended up feeling like a selling out the market felt like a small milestone. What were some of the other milestones that you’ve hit along the way? Now? What, 10 almost I’m assuming like about 10 years into this business, right?
[00:10:59] Julian: Yep.
[00:10:59] Elise: What were some of the other like milestones that hit that you were like, okay, this is big, this is big, like continuing to grow. What were some of those?
[00:11:08] Julian: One thing to mention is that because, because we were all involved in other jobs, like we were not, we were very excited about the project, but we were not in the, in the mind of guys, this needs to work. Like we’ll, we’re, we’re pushing this, like we’re, we’re being bullish about this. So like, things kind of happened, like things found us for, for a little moment before we were in the, where. Well, it’s gonna sound pejorative, but it’s not the way. I mean, like caught in the cogs and then, okay, so now we have expenses, we have rents, so we need to, to, um, so that being said, uh, like the other milestone, I would say that, um, Having people reaching us more and more.
[00:11:51] Julian: And a lot of people from France, like barbershops, oh wow. In France were typing, you know, like BDO in French. And we were the only ones to, to turn up because the trend started in the us. So Canada was. Um, was kind of in the second, like in the front row of that. Yeah. Okay. And Europe was, uh, was kind of the third place where, uh, the trend happened. So we, we had a little bit of, um, a leadway, uh, for, uh, for the French market. So we had, yeah, we, we would get emails or Facebook messages of barbershops in France and, and you’re like, okay, like,
[00:12:28] Elise: that’s really cool. Yeah.
[00:12:30] Julian: That’s so cool.
[00:12:30] Elise: And this lesson, like, how did you find this? Yeah, yeah. Amazing Facebook and technology of, of how that can happen, right?
[00:12:37] Julian: Yeah, yeah. That, and another thing at some point, we kind of felt like, we would need to, um, to kind of do our, um, um, what’s the word, you know, when you kind of come out of the closet, when you, when you make your, like a brand statement, like an announcement. Yep. So we, um, uh, we got involved with a PR firm, um okay. And they did our, our, like, like our press launch. So we have organized and like an event in a bar, in a Gadsby kind of bar. Um
[00:13:10] Elise: , very cool. Very cool. Yeah. How like you’re coming out party basically. Yeah, that’s right. You’re coming out as a grand party. Yeah. Yeah. Very cool. So that, and when did that happen then?
[00:13:18] Julian: Um, that what year was. Must have been, uh, 2014. Okay. I think that was in the fall of 2014.
[00:13:27] Elise: Okay. And then, so 2014, you’re growing, growing, growing you now, you still make the products in low in Montreal, right? But you have, like, you mentioned your onsite chemists. What does the team look like now?
[00:13:40] Julian: So, on the lab side, uh, we have, well, the, the, the chemist who does all the R and D but also supervises the, the operations and takes care of just, just make sure that for product making, we have everything we need. Okay. So we have the chemist and, , and like two or three people, depending on the season and depending on. Who’s available, like, so we could say a team of three, in terms of production production. Yeah. Um, we have one person that, uh, comes in market. Um, a couple people at sales and, uh, myself who kind of runs around a little bit everywhere, throwing crazy ideas and, um, and hoping someone can help though.
[00:14:21] Elise: Yeah. I love that.
[00:14:24] Julian: So pretty small team, small, I mean, but small, but mighty, I guess.
[00:14:29] Elise: Right. And when did you leave your day job and start focusing on this full time?
[00:14:35] Elise: That was in, uh, in 2016. Okay.
[00:14:41] Elise: Yeah. So like within two years it kind of grew to a level that it was needed, needed some full time support. That’s very cool. That’s a pretty, that’s like a pretty fast pace, right? To like, I mean, did it feel fast? I don’t.
[00:14:56] Julian: Oh, yeah. Everything’s been feeling like a whirlwind since, um, since day one. Um, so, so yeah, it, it has felt, you know, when there’s so many events, like you, you think back of what was happening last year and you’re like, that was only last year. It feels like five years ago and all at the same time, it feels like last month. So yeah. Yeah. Very, uh, very weird time. Time.
[00:15:19] Elise: Well, and I think COVID messed up all of our time trajectory of things, right. You’re like, when did that happen? What was the timeline of that? But I always like asking that milestone question. Cause I think oftentimes as founders, like you kind of forget everything that you cause you’re you’re right. It happens so quickly. Right. And. All the things are happening that you’re like, oh yeah, that I’m, you know, that was what we were really proud about at that moment. And this is what we were proud about at that moment. And you, you sometimes I know myself included in that you like forget the building blocks of getting to mm-hmm to where you are in that. So it’s always been interesting to kind of remind yourself of those things.
[00:15:54] Julian: Yeah. Where wherever. Um, wherever you are, it’s easy to, to forget how many like blocks, how many layers of work you’re standing or you’re standing on. Right. And if I, if I bring it back to groom, um, it’s, it might be something as simple as opening a bank account. Finding accountant, because at some point he’s like, okay, we have money coming. Tax season is coming. Like what we need to do something like, okay guys, let’s find accountants.
[00:16:21] Elise: Yeah. What do we do for these things? So you mentioned, uh, you know, this all started with the trend of the, the mustache and, and now I would even say like the beard in general, what trends are you seeing when it comes to men’s personal care? Anything that, you know, comes up to the forefront for the rest of the year, even, or in the coming.
[00:16:41] Julian: Yeah, it’s an interesting question. Um, things have been evolving very quickly in terms of man’s care. Starting from kind of nonexistent.
[00:16:51] Elise: I was gonna say, yeah, because really like before you’re, you’re saying that you had a hard time finding, like, You know, something for your mustache? Was there even besides maybe like old spice what was, what were guys using for men’s care prior to that? There wasn’t much, right?
[00:17:08] Julian: No. You had either your, um, your heirloom brands. Um, you, you mentioned old spice. That’s one and you have like a few other ones, like pro Razo could be one to be, to be named from Italy. , you had your. Kind of, even in, in terms of hair styling, like you didn’t have that many, like men specific,, like products, like I can, I can remember American crew was around and it was the kind of first one to be like, okay, you guys are focusing on men’s hair. It’s not just. One product out of your, um, of your, of your cell online that might do for guys as well. Um, mm-hmm so it went from in existence or, and there was the metrosexual thing, but that kind of felt like, like more like, um, like.
[00:17:56] Elise: Like niche market, not a mass kind of thing.
[00:17:59] Julian: Yeah. It, it kind of felt like your fashionista, um, niche. Yeah. So, okay. You’re a guy you’re into like fashion. You’re a metrosexual. So it wasn’t like direct to at mens scare the mass mass men’s. Yeah. And, and then with the beer trend, things like the, the Uber mail that very like that, that, you know, like long and, and very dense beard and tattoos and that tough look mm-hmm , um, became very, very present. Um, and then that kind of, that still exists. Like it went from trend to becoming a culture mm-hmm um, and now it’s made beard. Okay. So like it’s okay to support a beard. Like you can be on TV as you’re as your job. And like, if your beard is looking nice, no problem. 10 years ago, that was not the case. Minor exceptions, uh, to that.
[00:18:53] Elise: Okay. Interesting.
[00:18:55] Julian: What I’m what I’m, I’ve been noticing. And I find that super interesting is kind of the, like the, the, the gender neutral, uh mm-hmm that’s been happening. Like we, we’re seeing now Polish, I don’t know, in, uh, uh, like in Niagara, on the lake or, uh, Toronto, but, , but in Montreal, like it’s. It’s really normal to see any guy. I could be wearing the, a Polish at the moment. And that would not be a statement about my, my gender identity. Mm-hmm at all. It would just be, Hey, I’ve painted my nails today. Mm-hmm well, and I would,
[00:19:27] Elise: I wonder too the other way, because I mean, us. On on the female side of it, like you could love the smell and many females do wear a product that might be more targeted to males in terms of a cologne or things like that. Mm-hmm or do you notice that at all, in any of your products, maybe whether it’s like the soap or like the, the, the hair wash kind of thing, like, do you notice that at all, I’m imagining it’s not necessarily a massive part of your segment, but I, I would think that there’s someone that maybe likes more of a, a scent in that real.
[00:19:59] Julian: I would love to know what part of our, uh, of our client base is female using products for, for them, because I know there is, there is some, uh, so of course there’s gonna be a strong bias here, but like my, my girlfriend and my mom and, and my sisters, you will use some of our products. Uh, because yes, the se the sense are unisex mm-hmm , uh, and we, um, we design it that way because we don’t want to, we want to be that inclusive brand. Uh, yeah. And, and like, and that’s you see that in our branding, you see that in our coms, and while you see that in our sense as well, of course, Beard care products. I’m not gonna like, yeah. That’s a little more specific. Yeah. that’s right. but everything else, uh, like our, our deodorant stick, uh, it really goes well on, uh, on a woman. My, yeah, my girlfriend’s using all our face care products and she loves them and yeah, I sell it on. I smell it on her and, and it’s, there’s nothing shocking about that. No.
[00:20:56] Elise: It’s definitely you’re right though. I love that you bring it up as a trend because it’s, I think, you know, probably when you and I were growing up, there was definitely like a, these are for men’s and these are for women’s products. Mm-hmm if the men’s products even existed, but now, you know, as we’re, we’re all like looking more at gender fluidity and things like that, the product, like as a product based company, you probably. Can think of it more broadly, right than you could. When I was like in the nineties reading like young and modern magazines and all of those items were targeted to a young female. Like I’d imagine there is as a brand on your side, like a different thought of, okay, how we market this and to your, you just kind of stated that, right? Like we you’re marketing it to anyone who wants to use it. It’s not. Just necessarily for men, unless of course we’re talking about maybe the beard and the mustache product line of things, but that isn’t really big trend that I never really thought of when it came to personal.
[00:21:54] Julian: Yeah. The, the one thing. Well, so if, if I look at groom, well just with the logo and the name, it kind of feels more like men specific. Yeah. And I like, I’ve debated that with myself for some time, because I’ve been, I’ve been hearing the question since. Like maybe not day one but day two. When, when will you have a woman’s line? Like, okay, sure. I mean, that’s thanks for saying that. It means you appreciate the products and, and I mean, they’re, they’re, they’re made to be exceptional, so of course you, you like them. Um, but what I’m, um, even if there’s that, that gender fluidity in that we’ve, we’ve left that, that Uber masculine, trend of some years ago, For a lot of men, a majority of men, uh, it will be more comfortable to, to use, um, and feel, um, targeted like a masculinity if well,
[00:22:48] Elise: that’s interesting too, because to your point, personal care for men is fairly new. Right. Like in the real men haven’t been targeted in this market for all of time, right? Like women have and where you need a moisturizer for. Like our elbow is different than our hand is different than our face. So I, I guess I. Think I get what you’re saying in that it’s like, men still need to feel like this is their segment and their brand right now. That’s right. Because they’re not used to self-care in the way that women are. Whereas like when I mentioned women are kind of, and you mentioned your girlfriend, your mother, et cetera, they’re exploring the men’s side because we’re so used to like having a different product for every different thing. And we’re kind of comfortable going the other way, I guess, maybe, or trying something a little different, cuz we are always. Message to try something different anyway. Yeah. I’ll um, so, um,
[00:23:41] Julian: you might know of the, the one of kind show in, uh, in Toronto. Uh, and it’s a show we’ve been doing for a number of years. Okay. And, um, I, um, I love testing the reaction of women to products because oftentimes they will be them buying a gift for men around them but sometimes they will be like, Hey, That face moisturizer feels so nice, I’m getting it for myself; That styling sea salt spray is wonderful in my hair. I’m getting that big bustle and that’s going on my part of the shelf. Or the hand cream, like we just launched a hand cream and we’ve made it as, as good as we, as we could. And I would. Having women testing it, like guys are not gonna try hand cream unless they have, you know, like specifically dry hands, but mm-hmm, um, like on a whim, like they will not think of something for them to do to try a hand cream. Um, even if the jar is under the nose saying, Hey, try this. Mm-hmm mm-hmm but women will do and be like, oh, this is great. Love the sense. Yeah. Yeah. I’ll get it for a and one for me too. Yeah. So it’s something that I. Like kind of my secret mission here is to like, like turn tables on guys, stealing their girlfriend’s beauty products to girls stealing their men’s beauty products, because it’s like, it’s so good. And it smells nice. And it’s good for me too.
[00:25:07] Elise: Yeah. I think you’re onto something and I mean, you just convinced, I bought. It’s funny. When you say wo women are the ones like that, I’ve bought a few of your things for my boyfriend, my dad, and now I’m like, okay, well, why didn’t I like, I’m gonna try the soap for myself, you know, like twist it around a bit. So you converted one person. It’s a good, that list of things to do. When is there, you mentioned, um, the launch of the hand cream, any other launches that we should look out for in 2022? From the branch.
[00:25:38] Julian: Oh, yes. We’re there’s a product I’m really excited about. That’s coming up. We’re still at the prototype stage, but, uh, if everything goes well, uh, it will be available this fall. Okay. Um, and it’s going to be the face, face rub. Your face exfoliant. So we uh, we launched in the fall of 20, uh, 21. , okay. Like our two daily face care products. So your, your daily wash and, and moisturizer mm-hmm so yeah, we’re gonna like get a little bit, more to this. Yeah.
[00:26:06] Elise: Okay. Very cool. So. It’s uh, very cool.
[00:26:10] Julian: It’s something I’ve, I’ve found really interesting and you know, it feels like the logical step. I mean, guys started like, learn that you can take care of yourself when they were sporting a beard. Yeah. And they can see the benefits. Okay. And like Beard’s softer. My girlfriend like likes to touch and the smell more. Yeah. I’m getting less itch, less DRO. And maybe the beard is gone and sh or shorter, but like there’s still the benefit. Of doing the routine of skincare. Yeah. Yeah. So, so yeah, skincare that goes for everyone.
[00:26:38] Elise: Yeah. It’s interesting that you’re right. I guess the entry point is like, was that beard mustache, and now, now you can kind of grow with that. So lots of potential in the future for products. That’s amazing. Yeah. There’s so much, I feel like today I learned so much about men’s grooming and care and not just about your personal story. So I really appreciate you taking the time. Where can everyone find out more about the brand?
[00:27:00] Julian: So we’re quite active on our, of course our social media and our, uh, and our website. If you care to hear more, more about, groom’s mission and, and what’s coming up and, and such, uh, subscribing to our, to our newsletter or to our, our social media would be, would be a great. Um, we’re, we’re active, but not in a bugging way. Uh, being based in Montreal, like of course we have to do everything in French as well, so, uh, but we, we do, uh, both French and English, uh, in terms of, uh, of coms and, uh, and yeah, look us up at your, at your local, boutique self-care, retailer.
[00:27:35] Elise: Yeah. Awesome. And they can find us at, at the edit and I grab the light. So. Great. Yeah. Well, thank you, Julian so much for being here with us today. It was great to hear more about you and the brand. Thank you so much. And I feel like I learned a lot too, actually. wonderful.
[00:27:49] Julian: Uh, it was such a pleasure. Thank you so much for this opportunity. It was lovely meeting you in getting a chance to, uh, to, uh, to speak to your, um, uh, to your listen.