June 19, 1865 marks the day that slaves in Galveston, Texas were told the Civil War was over and they were free. Originating in Galveston, Juneteenth is observed around the US commemorating the emancipation of Black Americans, and celebrating African American culture.
It is important to recognize the impact Black culture has on our society, through food, art, history, music and so much more. In honour of Juneteenth we are showcasing some of our favourite black-owned businesses in Ottawa you can check out this summer.
Anaya Arts

Anaya Arts Inc. is an afro-centric art and apparel brand inspired by representation. Founder Fiona started the brand in 2018 with a mission to create an inclusive art space and become your go-to for wall art prints and canvas. You can check them out at the Rideau Centre and Bayshore Shopping Centre.

Flower shop Luxe Blooms provides unique and elegant flowers and is a great source for long lasting roses. Their infinity Roses are preserved with natural non-toxic oils that make your roses last up to three years. Check them out on Instagram @luxe.blooms for more information.
Saint Lyon Apparel

Premium athleisure wear brand Saint Lyon provides quality and affordable athletic wear with a focus on confidence, performance and community. Saint Lyon will not only make you feel confident in clothing but allow you to give back as 10 percent of profits are given to a charity of your choice. You can follow them on Instagram @stlyoonapparel to find out more.
Kai Swimwear

Looking for ethical, sustainable and eco-friendly swimwear? Look no further, Kai Swimwear creates quality and affordable swimwear that will make every woman feel confident, beautiful and fearless while on vacation. The brand embraces diversity and all body types to remind us that we are all uniquely beautiful in our own way. Check them out on instagram @kaiswimwear_ for some beautiful swimwear.
Stomping Ground

Located in Downtown Ottawa, Stomping Ground is a Locally owned and operated fashion and lifestyle boutique, with a curated selection of fine apparel, footwear, grooming, accessories, books and homegoods. You can visit them at 728 Bank Street Ottawa, Ontario.