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Through our little 4.7-inch IPhone screens, we have real-time access into the lives of our peers. We are able to see their workout routines,...


STYLE.CA (@style_canada) Featuring: Dan Gunam Location: Calii Love (@caliiloveco) Interview by: Giulia Menechella (@queenofroulette) Cinematography: Matthew Richard Millen (@mattmillencine) Directed and Edited by: Matthew Richard Millen and...


STYLE.CA contributor Olivia Jordan covers the 2017 MMVAs. Watch the behind-the scenes footage here: WATCH THE VIDEO CREDITS: STYLE.CA contributor Olivia Jordan (@jordannhopeblog) covers...


Here at Style.ca we do not only strive to dress stylishly but more importantly, we hope to inspire Canadians to live fully. Though living...