Qui dit l’arrivée du mois d’octobre, ne dit pas Halloween, mais bien Fashion Preview! Et oui,l’événement mode de 3 jours sonne à notre porte pour une 10èmeédition. Encore une fois, ce fut un succès et de nombreux créateurs montréalais ont pu se faire connaître aux yeux de l’industrie. Voici donc les meilleurs moments en image.
Who said that October rhymes with Halloween instead of Fashion Preview? The three-day fashion event rang at our door for its 10th edition. Once again, it’s been a success and a lot of Montreal’s fashion designers have shined during it. Here’s the best moments.

Fashion Preview started in beauty with Marie-Victorin’s College & Workdept. It was full of creativity and geniusness. They were my 2 favorites shows of the night, here’s the best & memorable looks!

KQK and UQAM’s University were killing it on day 2! The color palette from UQAM was amazing and KQK had gorgeous textures. Here’s the best ones.

Ahhh the final day… the best one! Fashion Preview hosted the most important fashion school in Canada; LaSalle College and two of the trendiest Montreal’s fashion designers of the moment; Lucas Stowe and MARKANTOINE. As usual, MARKANTOINE closed the event with an incredible final with his newest collection. Here’s the new collections.

ALL THE CREDIT GOES TO: Tora Photography

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