Let’s not even bother with small talk right now. If you haven’t experienced the giddy, girly, glowy-ness (if that’s not a word already then I’m officially inventing it) that warms your soul the moment you’ve been crowned with a wreath of flowers, then you need to do these 3 things right now:
- Read this list of PERFECT occasions to wear a Flower Crown
- Pick your favourite occasion…
- …and wear a Flower Crown to it.
Photo Credit: Rooted
Simple. And I can promise you won’t regret it.
Now, are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin.
- Festivals
Music ones, art ones, craft ones, food ones, hippy ones, even vegan ones! Be THAT girl at the festival you’re booked into this Summer. You know, the girl wearing that huge flower crown as a celebration of all that’s beautiful, fresh, and colourful in the world? That girl is feminine and fun. She’s wild and free. (And she hasn’t washed her hair in 4 days, but who cares when you’ve got a Flower Crown to cover up evidence?)
- Gala/Prom/Work Summer Party
I’m actually struggling to think of a more perfect excuse than the above. Would you rather have a corsage on your wrist or a CROWN on your head…? Is this even a question? It doesn’t have to be a huge, diva-alert Flower Crown – just some fresh flowers tucked into your ‘do’ as a nod to the summery season. So, at least if you’re wearing the same dress as that girl who’s-name-we-won’t-mention, you’re decorated with gorgeous, sweet smelling blooms. (She didn’t think of that, did she?)
Photo Credit: Wild Hearts Studio
- Photoshoot
Flower Crowns really do add something extra special to a shoot. Whether it’s a maternity shoot, an engagement shoot, a family shoot (if I say ‘shoot’ one more time it’s going to stop sounding like a real word) – a dainty Flower Crown is the ultimate accessory that photographs easily & beautifully. Not to mention they add the perfect pop of colour to a simple, classic outfit.
- Wedding
A staple for the boho-bride: Flower Crowns are unapologetically feminine & playful. Tuck some tiny rose buds into a messy bun or use a crown of fresh eucalyptus to frame your long, wavy curls… (Now picture yourself twirling around in a field at sunset with your new groom and there’s seriously no going back).
Photo Credit: Rebekah Caruso
5. Because you’re secretly a fairy princess/Greek goddess/Hawaiian queen
Just take a second. Take a deep breath. Leave the ‘girl boss’ at work and take some time to reconnect with your inner five year old. She’s still there, deep down, and she’s desperate to come out and play for a while. She’s the one that can’t understand why we keep flowers on our kitchen table but don’t think to WEAR them out more often? Now THIS is the therapy you’ve been waiting for…
Contributor: Becky Jaster
For custom-made, high-quality, totally gorgeous, boho-beautiful, fairy-princess-therapy Flower Crowns, visit her site Sweet bee blooms
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