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6 Pro Tips For Fighting Maskne From Skincare Professionals

Maskne got you down?
Now one of the most common skin issues as a result of wearing protection against the coronavirus, it seems that “the new acne” is beginning to affect nearly every person that’s been covering up with a face mask.
Thankfully, there’s ways to avoid breakouts.
In this article, aestheticians and skincare professional from Toronto’s Miraj Hammam Spa give you six tips for fighting maskne, once and for all.

Photo: @melanie_kreutz via Unsplash.

TIP #1: Choose The Right Mask

The right mask comes with the perfect fit: no gaps, irritation or chaffing.
Ensure your mask falls right against your skin but doesn’t hook on too tightly.
100 per cent cotton masks are preferable for the safest wear, but they’re also going to be most comfortable for your skin.

TIP #2: Wash Your Mask After Each Use

For those who wear a fabric mask: breathing and talking into it creates a warm, damp environment where bacteria accumulates.
Washing your mask after each use can kill bad bacteria, preventing irritation and breakouts from happening.


Photo: @baraburi via Unsplash.

TIP #3: Go Fresh Faced

Since a mask will cover more than half of your face, there’s no need for heavy makeup.
Try to limit the amount of makeup on your skin in order to minimize clogged pores.

TIP #4: Try “Masking”

… The other kind.

Up your self-care routine and get a handle on breakouts by using a purifying mask one or two times a week.

Biologique Recherche’s Masque Vivant helps to regulate oil production, tighten pores and soothe skin, while the Masque Biosensible helps to soothe, hydrate and protect its top layer.

If you like an all-in-one product, B’leau’s Glacial Oceanic Clay Mask will do the trick.


TIP #5: Don’t Skip Your Daily Routine

Cleansing is so important – now more than ever.
Wash your face morning and night to get deep into pores, but be careful about stripping the skin, which can cause more breakouts. A gentle, milk-based cleanser will help.

TIP #6: Spot Treat

Once you get a spot, treat it right away. Using a salicylic acid will assist in speeding up the healing process.

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