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It’s National Nursing Week! Here’s How To Support Your Frontline Hero

Coinciding with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, #CNA2021 runs from Monday, May 10 to Sunday, May 16 to draw attention to nurses and the many contributions they make to the well-being of Canadians.

From the bedside to the classroom and the boardroom, they make the world a healthier place. 2021’s theme of #WeAnswerTheCall was developed by the Canadian Nurse’s Association (CNA) to showcase the many roles that nurses play in a patient’s health-care journey.

This year, Johnson & Johnson, the world’s largest and most broadly-based health-care company, has sponsored National Nursing Week to showcase the courage and commitment that nurses have shown throughout the pandemic, as well as the important role they play in communities across Canada.

International Council of Nurses President Annette Kennedy said it best: “This global COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world the important role that nurses play in keeping people healthy across the lifespan.”

According to then CNA, there’s a list of things you can do to commemorate your favourite frontline worker during National Nursing Week:

  • On social media, use #CNA2021 #WeAnswerTheCall #IKnowANurse #NationalNursingWeek #IND2021 and #Nurses2021 in all your posts
  • Share pictures and stories that create awareness about National Nursing Week
  • Use #IKnowANurse to share stories of exceptional nurses, because everyone knows a nurse who has left a lasting impression!
  • Follow the CNA on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube

Lastly, put yourself in their shoes: If your job responsibilities revolved around helping others, how would you want to be celebrated?

Happy National Nursing Week! 

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