Flying to another location in the 1960’s was a privilege and an opportunity to dress up. Men wore fine suits, and women wore custom-made clothes for traveling with the gals. However, in the last few decades we have started to take travelling for granted.
We’ve swapped out our slinky outfits for sweatpants and our stilettos for Uggs – the glitz is gone (almost). The modern jet-setter look is not only practical, comfy, and fashionable, but it’s also simple to achieve. Scroll below for our must have jet-setter style tips:
Know who your jet-setter heroes are
When appearing ‘put together’ while traveling, look to the jet-setter greats like Victoria Beckham, Diane Kruger and Kate Middleton for inspiration. These ladies never seem overdone, and they know how to arrive in perfect and ageless style anywhere- around the globe.

Keep a Fresh Face
If you leave the house without putting on your “face,” you might feel naked without it, but let’s face it- after a long flight, that “face” is going to look like it hasn’t slept in 24 hours and has been drinking way too much. Traveling from point A to point B, moisturizing with a skin-brightening serum, a light layer of foundation, and strawberry Chapstick are great ideas. You can add mascara, eyeliner, and other beauty products later, when you arrive at your destination.
It is recommended that you drink two to three airport cups of water every hour to avoid jet lag-related symptoms.
Invest in your Looks
Modern jet-setter style means dressing to impress without looking overdone and staying comfortable. Here are some must-haves for sophisticated and chic looks on the go:
-Jeans tend to be fashionable and are easy to clean if you spill something on the plane.
Scarfs are a must-have travel accessory for the plane and beyond, and they complete any outfit and add a layer of warmth. You can also use them as makeshift travel pillows.
-If you are traveling, wear a garment with a light sweater or blazer. A blazer exudes confidence and says, “you have somewhere to be.” Find one that fits well and is comfortable.
-In the summer, wedge heels are comfortable and easy to slip off when you’re traveling long distances.

You can fit everything into one huge and stylish carry-on and stuff your minor necessities into a standard purse. Bring a carry-on that’s medium in size and a big, luxurious tote bag to make your travel style look effortless.

Be On Time
You can make travelling easy and stylish by being on time. Even if you appear fashionable, your style will disappear the moment you act hurriedly or in a rush. You have to be on time if you want to rock the jet-setter style. Up your watch game with your Michael Kors watch from last season or one of Kate Spade’s new watches.
And finally: have an excellent trip!