Toronto’s longest running annual multi-arts fashion event Fashion Art Toronto (FAT) will return with a four-day in-person event at The Parkdale Hall (1605 Queen St. West). Taking place from Thursday, November 10 through Sunday, November 13. The 2022 event will host runway shows from 30 Canadian designers and feature fashion-inspired art installations. Our Faces of FAT series will take a deeper look at the designers behind the collections and their stories. Keep on reading to learn more about Demaine Nelson, a face of FAT on the designer side of the event.
Check out FAT’s Instagram for updates on the fashion festival.
Designer: Demaine Nelson
Instagram: @demainetyrone
Showtime: Sunday November 13, 2022 at 8 PM

Demaine Nelson
SC: Tell us a bit about yourself!
DN: I am a local native born and raised in Scarborough. I starting getting curious about designing back in 2018. The reason I took the leap into the fashion space was soley on I couldn’t find clothes that were unique enough in my size. I always wanted to stand and the only way to get that was designing my own garments.

Source: Demaine Nelson
SC: What inspires you?

Source: Demaine Nelson
SC: What’s one piece of advice you would give someone starting out in your field?
SC: What do you love most about FAT?

Source: Demaine Nelson
SC: What does 2023 hold for you?