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Photo provided by Chance Mutuku
Photo provided by Chance Mutuku


Artists of MNFF: Chance Mutuku

The Mighty Niagara Film Fest is again ready to set sail and explore the ever-expanding ocean of the moving image. The festival launches on August 16th, and continues until August 19th. It’s keenly focused on films made about, or in Niagara and by filmmakers with connections to the region. The festival uniquely makes space for the experimental and the extraordinary. For more information about the festival, click here. Here, we invite you to meet the artists of MNFF.

Meet Chance Mutuku

Photo provided by Chance Mutuku

Photo provided by Chance Mutuku

Website: www.bbbblanc.com
Social Handles:
Personal: @chancemutuku
Business: @bbbblancstudio

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Overall I am a  Creative – Entrepreneur.  I am a Creative Director at BBBBlanc* Studio, a Niagara – based  branding and design practice. BBBBlanc* Studio helps brands and collaborators alike to turn their ideas into actual things and to help market them both as digital and / or  physical experiences.

Aside from design, I am  also a DJ , where I get to blend multi-genre musical experiences. To say the least I am never bored. I love it!

What inspires you?

The world at large is my muse. Based on work and life, I get to travel a lot. Which means that I get to experience so many things, meet lots of people with interesting stories and learn about so many beautiful cultures. This melting pot is a great reference point which ultimately influences my creative work.

Tell us the story behind how you got into your craft?

I’ve been creating ever since I can remember. At some point I might have gotten in trouble by my kindergarten teachers for doing my friends art homework for them (In exchange pieces of their tasty lunch meals Ofcourse). Even when I competed as an athlete I always considered it as a physical art form. But I it was when I took time away from competition that I fully dedicated my time to bring the world of art and business together. It’s been magical since then.

What drew you to participating in this specific piece of work?

I love collaboration, when Shannon reached out with this incredible poem and her idea for animating it, it was an automatic yes for me. Through my work with Bbbblanc* Studio, I get to work with so many wonderful ideas on a regular basis – till today I am continuously intrigued at the creative minds behind these ideas.

What do you love most about MNFF?

I love the fact that it brings our City together to celebrate and applaud local talent while at the same time inviting the world beyond Niagara to lean in and see what our region has to offer. Also there’s so many incredibly hard working folks behind it and they truly make magic happen not just for the duration that the festival takes place in but all year long planning for it. It’s only getting bigger and we Love to see it. Cheers to the NAC!

What does 2023 hold for you?

I am releasing lots of creative project   both personally and through Bbbblanc Studio* and I can’t wait to share. Also I’ll be changing plenty of diapers and getting lots of warm snuggles  from my new baby boy Asante. Dad-Tivities gotta love em’ 🙂

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