With the lockdown restrictions being lifted and travel rules being eased, life is seemingly starting to look ‘normal’ again – whatever your normal may be. Many are excited and ready to get back to life the way it was before, especially with the majority of people gaining their double-vaxxed status (it is a #vaxxedgirlsummer after all!) and people cannot wait to start seeing their friends and family whom they’ve been apart from this past year.
However, there are many people who aren’t feeling the excitement and ease that others have been.
This time in particular is causing a lot of stress and anxiety for many individuals who are not ready to get back into the social world of restaurants, concerts or parties.
The most important thing to remember when getting ready for post-pandemic events is to take your time and go easy on yourself. There is no rush to keep up with your peers, if you don’t feel comfortable attending an event or social gathering don’t feel pressured into going for the sake of others. Always put yourself first and have fun!
Below are a few tips on slowly easing back into life post-lockdown!

@discovering_ontario via Instagram
1. Plan a small get-together with a friend or family member who is also vaccinated and comfortable with socializing again!
If you want to start seeing people but are not ready for larger group settings, start off small and plan a one on one or a close-knit group dinner. Try booking a patio experience to start putting yourself out there again at a safe and slow pace!
2. Explore local spots in your city
If you aren’t ready for flying or travelling outside of your country just yet, try going for a bike ride around town. Go hiking, canoeing, or have a picnic at a park- adventures that you can enjoy alone or with a friend! This way you are getting out of the house and having fun without the stress of being around too many people, and you get to take in the beautiful sights of your own city.
3. Take one day at a time
Ease into life one step at a time. Don’t jump right into a large party setting right away, slowly get yourself comfortable with being out and around people. Try going for coffee or grabbing a bite first and see if you’re comfortable with crowds before diving head first into a larger situation.
4. Nervous about going back to the office? Talk to your boss about a hybrid workweek to ease back into routine
If going back to the office five days a week after working from home for the past year (and a bit) is stressful or causes anxiety – talk to your boss about developing a personal plan to slowly start coming back into work. This can be beneficial if you are nervous about being back to an in-person setting or worried about your daily commute with strangers- until you get back into the routine of things again.
5. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help!
There’s nothing wrong with seeking professional help, especially during a time where the world is filled with uncertainty and fear. If you are feeling anxious or are worried about your mental health with the news of lockdown restrictions being lifted, reach out to a professional and take care of your physical and mental well being.